形容词 (Adjective)
1. 高效的;有效的 (Efficient; Effective) - The Xanax medication is known for its efficacy in treating anxiety disorders. (Xanax药物以其治疗焦虑症的高效性而闻名。)名词 (Noun)
1. 药物名称 (Medication Name) - Xanax is a brand name for the drug alprazolam. (Xanax是药物阿普唑仑的商标名称。) 2. 抗焦虑药 (Anti-anxiety Medication) - Xanax is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders. (Xanax常被开处方用于治疗焦虑和恐慌症。)词语辨析 (Word Differentiation)
- Xanax vs. Valium: - Xanax and Valium are both benzodiazepines used to treat anxiety disorders, but they differ in their onset of action and duration of effects. (Xanax和Valium都是苯二氮卓类药物,用于治疗焦虑症,但它们在作用起效时间和持续时间上有所不同。)词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
- benzodiazepine (苯二氮卓类药物) - A class of psychoactive drugs used to treat various conditions including anxiety and insomnia. - anxiety disorder (焦虑症) - A mental health disorder characterized by excessive and persistent worry, fear, or uneasiness. - panic disorder (恐慌症) - A type of anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unexpected panic attacks.近义词 (Synonyms)
- alprazolam (阿普唑仑) - anti-anxiety drug (抗焦虑药)反义词 (Antonyms)
- natural remedies (自然疗法) - non-medicated approaches (非药物治疗方法)柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
- Xanax (Pharmacology): a brand name for a drug containing the active ingredient alprazolam, used to treat anxiety牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
- Xanax (Medicine): A tranquilizer used in the treatment of anxiety用法 (Usage)
- The doctor prescribed Xanax to help manage her anxiety symptoms. (医生开了Xanax给她以帮助控制焦虑症状。)例句 (Example Sentences)
- I took a Xanax before the flight to help me relax. (我在飞行前服用了一片Xanax以帮助我放松。)
- She was prescribed Xanax to alleviate her anxiety and improve sleep. (她被开了Xanax以减轻焦虑并改善睡眠。)
- The doctor advised him to gradually reduce his Xanax dosage. (医生建议他逐渐减少Xanax的剂量。)
- Some people may develop a dependence on Xanax if used for a long time. (如果长期使用,有些人可能会对Xanax产生依赖性。)
- Xanax should be taken as directed by a healthcare professional. (应按医疗专业人员的指示服用Xanax。)
- She experienced withdrawal symptoms when she stopped taking Xanax abruptly. (她突然停止服用Xanax后出现了戒断症状。)
- Xanax is classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for abuse. (由于滥用潜力,Xanax被归类为受控物质。)
- He started therapy and took Xanax to manage his panic attacks. (他开始接受治疗并服用Xanax来控制他的恐慌发作。)
- The side effects of Xanax may include drowsiness and dizziness. (Xanax的副作用可能包括嗜睡和头晕。)
- She decided to stop taking Xanax and explore alternative treatments. (她决定停止服用Xanax并探索替代疗法。)
- The doctor adjusted her Xanax dosage to better suit her needs. (医生调整了她的Xanax剂量以更好地适应她的需求。)
- He relied on Xanax to cope with his social anxiety in crowded places. (他依赖Xanax来应对他在拥挤场所中的社交焦虑。)
- Xanax can interact with certain medications, so it's important to inform your doctor. (Xanax可能与某些药物相互作用,因此通知医生非常重要。)
- She needed a higher dose of Xanax to achieve the desired calming effect. (她需要更高剂量的Xanax才能达到所需的镇定效果。)
- Long-term use of Xanax may lead to tolerance and reduced effectiveness. (长期使用Xanax可能导致耐受性和疗效降低。)
- He experienced relief from his anxiety symptoms after taking Xanax. (他服用Xanax后,焦虑症状得到缓解。)
- She accidentally took an extra Xanax tablet and felt excessively drowsy. (她不小心多服了一片Xanax,感到过度嗜睡。)
- Xanax is usually prescribed for short-term use to avoid dependence. (Xanax通常被开处方用于短期使用以避免依赖。)
- He found it difficult to concentrate while taking Xanax due to its sedating effect. (由于Xanax的镇静作用,他发现在服用期间难以集中注意力。)
- She sought therapy to address the underlying issues rather than relying solely on Xanax. (她寻求治疗以解决潜在问题,而不仅仅依赖于Xanax。)