1. 幽默的 vs 滑稽的
幽默的 (humorous) 强调言语、行为或情景中的巧妙和诙谐,使人发笑但不夸张;滑稽的 (funny) 强调引人发笑的可笑或笑料丰富的特点。
2. 活泼的 vs 爱开玩笑的
活泼的 (lively) 指充满活力、精神饱满;爱开玩笑的 (playful) 指喜欢开玩笑、幽默的性格。
xao (adjective)
- having or showing a sense of humor; humorous
- active, lively, or energetic
xao (noun)
- a joke or jest
- laughter
xao (adjective)
- having or showing a sense of humor; funny
- cheerful and energetic
xao (noun)
- a joke or witty remark
- laughter or amusement
1. He is known for his humorous and sharp wit. (他以他幽默机智而闻名。)
2. The children were playful and full of energy. (孩子们顽皮而精力充沛。)
3. She always tells jokes to make people laugh. (她总是讲笑话让人们开心。)
4. The laughter filled the room. (笑声充满了房间。)
1. He has a xao sense of humor. (他有幽默感。)
2. The comedian's performance was extremely xao. (这位喜剧演员的表演非常有趣。)
3. The party was filled with xao laughter and joy. (派对上充满了欢声笑语。)
4. The xao children played happily in the park. (顽皮的孩子们在公园里快乐地玩耍。)
5. His xao personality always brings smiles to people's faces. (他幽默的个性总是能让人们笑逐颜开。)
6. The stand-up comedian's xao jokes had the audience in stitches. (这位单口喜剧演员的幽默笑话让观众捧腹大笑。)
7. The xao remark she made lightened the mood in the room. (她说的幽默话语缓和了房间的气氛。)
8. The xao book had me laughing out loud from start to finish. (这本幽默的书从头到尾让我笑得前仰后合。)
9. The xao sitcom is one of the most popular shows on television. (这部幽默情景喜剧是电视上最受欢迎的节目之一。)
10. The audience couldn't stop laughing at the xao performance. (观众对这个幽默的表演乐不可支。)
11. The xao children entertained everyone at the party with their jokes. (顽皮的孩子们以他们的笑话在派对上娱乐了每个人。)
12. She has a sharp and xao wit that always keeps people on their toes. (她机智敏锐、幽默风趣的才智总是让人们警觉起来。)
13. The xao comedian had the audience in stitches with his hilarious performance. (这位幽默的喜剧演员以他搞笑的表演让观众捧腹大笑。)
14. The xao teenager always has a witty comeback for every situation. (这个幽默的青少年总是对每个情况都有机智的回答。)
15. The xao atmosphere at the party made everyone feel relaxed and happy. (派对上的幽默氛围让每个人感到轻松和快乐。)
16. The xao sitcom is known for its clever and funny dialogue. (这部幽默情景喜剧以其机智幽默的对话而闻名。)
17. The xao children's pranks kept everyone entertained. (顽皮的孩子们的恶作剧让每个人都很开心。)
18. She always has a xao comment to make in any situation. (无论何种情况,她总是有一个幽默的评论。)
19. The xao movie had the audience laughing from beginning to end. (这部幽默电影让观众从头笑到尾。)
20. His xao personality makes him the life of every party. (他幽默的个性使他成为派对的灵魂。)