xia (xiá)
- ( 霞) misty glow of the sun at sunrise or sunset
- ( 狭) narrow; limited
- ( 暇) leisure; free time
- ( 下) next; following
xia (xià)
- ( 夏) summer
- ( 峡) gorge; ravine
- ( 侠) chivalrous person; knight-errant
- ( 虾) shrimp
- ( 瞎) blind; reckless
xia (xiá)
- ( 霞) rosy clouds at sunrise or sunset
- ( 狭) narrow; limited
- ( 暇) leisure; free time
- ( 下) next; following
xia (xià)
- ( 夏) summer
- ( 峡) gorge; ravine
- ( 侠) chivalrous person; knight-errant
- ( 虾) shrimp
- ( 瞎) blind; reckless
1. 夏天 (xiàtiān) is the most common term for "summer" in general:
- 我喜欢夏天的阳光。(Wǒ xǐhuān xiàtiān de yángguāng.)
I like the sunshine in summer.
2. 夏季 (xiàjì) is used to refer to the "summer season" specifically:
- 夏季是旅游的旺季。(Xiàjì shì lǚyóu de wàngjì.)
Summer is the peak season for tourism.
3. 夏令营 (xiàlìngyíng) refers to a "summer camp":
- 孩子们都很期待暑假去参加夏令营。(Háizimen dōu hěn qídài shǔjià qù cānjiā xiàlìngyíng.)
The children are looking forward to joining the summer camp during the summer vacation.
1. 霞(xiá):
- 天空中的霞映照着整个山谷。
The rosy clouds in the sky illuminate the entire valley.
- 日出时的霞给大地披上了一层金红色的光晕。
The rosy glow at sunrise casts a golden halo over the earth.
2. 狭(xiá):
- 这条小巷很狭,只能容一辆车通过。
This alley is narrow, only allowing one car to pass through.
- 房间的空间狭小,但很温馨。
The room is small, but very cozy.
3. 暇(xiá):
- 平时工作很忙,我很少有闲暇时间。
I'm usually very busy with work, and I rarely have leisure time.
- 下班后,我喜欢在家中度过一些闲暇时光。
After work, I like to spend some leisure time at home.
4. 下(xià):
- 请你在下一个路口左转。
Please turn left at the next intersection.
- 我们的会议安排在下周一下午。
Our meeting is scheduled for next Monday afternoon.
5. 夏(xià):
- 夏天来了,天气开始变热了。
Summer has arrived, and the weather is getting hot.
- 我喜欢在夏天去海边度假。
I like to go on vacation by the seaside in summer.
6. 峡(xiá):
- 我们要穿过这条峡前往山区的村庄。
We have to pass through this gorge to reach the village in the mountains.
- 这个峡的景色非常壮观。
The view of this ravine is very spectacular.
7. 侠(xiá):
- 他是一个有侠义心肠的人。
He is a person with a chivalrous spirit.
- 这个小说中的主人公是一个正直勇敢的侠。
The protagonist in this novel is a righteous and brave knight-errant.
8. 虾(xiā):
- 我最喜欢吃的海鲜之一是虾。
Shrimp is one of my favorite seafood dishes.
- 这家餐厅的特色菜是香辣虾。
The specialty dish of this restaurant is spicy shrimp.
9. 瞎(xiā):
- 不要瞎说,你根本不了解情况。
Don't talk recklessly, you don't understand the situation at all.
- 他的决定太瞎了,没有任何理由支持。
His decision is so blind, there is no reason to support it.