形容词 (Adjective)
1. 先 (xiān)
Meaning: first; prior; former
Example: 他是我先认识的朋友。
Translation: He is the friend I knew first.
2. 鲜 (xiān)
Meaning: fresh; bright; new
Example: 这是一束鲜花。
Translation: This is a bouquet of fresh flowers.
名词 (Noun)
1.县 (xiàn)
Meaning: county
Example: 我住在一个小县城里。
Translation: I live in a small county town.
2.线 (xiàn)
Meaning: line; thread; wire
Example: 请在这条线上排队。
Translation: Please line up along this line.
词语辨析 (Differentiation)
1. 先后 (xiān hòu)
Meaning: order; sequence
Example: 他们按照先后顺序排队。
Translation: They line up in order.
2. 先进 (xiān jìn)
Meaning: advanced; progressive
Example: 这是一所先进的学校。
Translation: This is an advanced school.
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
1. 先知 (xiān zhī)
Meaning: prophet; seer
Example: 他被誉为先知。
Translation: He is hailed as a prophet.
2. 先例 (xiān lì)
Meaning: precedent; prior case
Example: 我们应该依据先例来处理。
Translation: We should handle it based on precedent.
近义词 (Synonyms)
1. 首先 (shǒu xiān)
Meaning: first of all; firstly
Example: 首先,我们需要了解基本概念。
Translation: Firstly, we need to understand the basic concepts.
2. 初次 (chū cì)
Meaning: first time; initial
Example: 这是我和他的初次见面。
Translation: This is the first time I have met him.
反义词 (Antonyms)
1. 后 (hòu)
Meaning: after; later
Example: 他是我后认识的朋友。
Translation: He is the friend I knew later.
2. 旧 (jiù)
Meaning: old; worn-out
Example: 这是一本旧书。
Translation: This is an old book.
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
xian (county)
1. (名词) In China, a xian is a political division that is smaller than a province but larger than a city.
2. (名词) A xian is a place with a particular characteristic or quality.
Example: The town's xian of honor was being the birthplace of the poet.
Translation: 这个小镇的骄傲之处是诗人的出生地。
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
xian (adjective)
1. (形容词) Of or relating to the Xian region of China or its inhabitants.
Example: Xian cuisine is known for its spiciness.
Translation: 西安菜以其辣味而闻名。
用法 (Usage)
1. 先 (xiān)
Example: 先打电话再出发。
Translation: Make a phone call before leaving.
2. 线 (xiàn)
Example: 请将这些线缠绕在一起。
Translation: Please twist these threads together.
例句 (Example Sentences)
- 她是我的先生。
- She is my wife.
- 这个鲜花摆在桌子上很漂亮。
- The fresh flowers on the table look beautiful.
- 这个县城人口不多。
- The population of this county town is not large.
- 请沿着这条线排队。
- Please line up along this line.
- 请按照先后顺序进入教室。
- Please enter the classroom in order.
- 这是一所先进的科研机构。
- This is an advanced research institute.
- 他被尊为先知。
- He is revered as a prophet.
- 我们需要依据先例来做决定。
- We need to make a decision based on precedent.
- 首先,我们需要制定一个计划。
- First of all, we need to develop a plan.
- 这是我和他的初次见面。
- This is the first time I have met him.
- 他是我后认识的朋友。
- He is the friend I knew later.
- 这是一本旧书。
- This is an old book.
- 这个小镇以诗人的出生地为骄傲。
- The town's xian of honor was being the birthplace of the poet.
- Xian cuisine is known for its spiciness.
- 西安菜以其辣味而闻名。
- 先打电话再出发。
- Make a phone call before leaving.
- 请将这些线缠绕在一起。
- Please twist these threads together.