夜视的 - yeshi de
适合夜间使用的 - yeshi de
夜晚的 - yeshi de
关于夜晚的 - yeshi de
夜视仪 - yeshi yi
夜晚 - yeshi
晚上 - wanshang
夜间 - yejian
1. 夜视 (yeshi) 和 夜间视力 (yejian shili) 的区别在于前者指的是使用夜视仪等设备来观察夜晚的能力,而后者指的是人类在夜晚时的视力状况。
2. 夜视 (yeshi) 侧重于指代设备或能力,而 夜晚 (yeshi) 则侧重于时间。
夜视镜 - yeshi jing (night vision goggles)
夜视范围 - yeshi fanwei (night vision range)
夜视摄像机 - yeshi shexiangji (night vision camera)
夜视效果 - yeshi xiaoguo (night vision effect)
夜间 (yejian) - nighttime
黑暗中 (heian zhong) - in the dark
暮光 (muguang) - twilight
白昼 (baizhou) - daytime
日间 (rijian) - daytime
明亮 (mingliang) - bright
yeshi (形容词) - 夜间的; 夜晚的
yeshi (名词) - 夜视仪; 夜晚; 晚上; 夜间
yeshi (形容词) - 夜间的; 夜晚的
yeshi (名词) - 夜视仪; 夜晚; 晚上; 夜间
1. The soldiers used night vision goggles to see in the dark.(士兵们使用夜视镜在黑暗中观察。)
2. The nighttime temperature drops significantly in this region.(这个地区的夜间温度显著下降。)
1. The hunter relied on his night vision to track the prey.(猎人依靠夜视追踪猎物。)
2. I love going for a walk in the evening.(我喜欢在晚上散步。)
- He wore night vision goggles to see clearly in the dark.(他戴着夜视镜以便在黑暗中能看清楚。)
- The city looks beautiful under the nighttime sky.(城市在夜晚的天空下显得美丽。)
- The hiker carried a night vision camera to capture wildlife images in low light.(徒步旅行者携带了一台夜视摄像机,在微弱光线下拍摄野生动物图像。)
- They decided to have a picnic in the park this evening.(他们决定在公园里野餐。)
- Using night vision technology, the rescue team located the lost hiker.(利用夜视技术,救援队找到了失踪的徒步旅行者。)
- He enjoys star-gazing during the nighttime.(他喜欢在夜晚观赏星星。)
- The night vision goggles allowed the pilot to navigate through the dark.(夜视镜让飞行员能在黑暗中导航。)
- Let's go for a walk after dinner this evening.(我们在晚饭后出去散步吧。)
- The security guard used a night vision camera to monitor the premises.(保安使用夜视摄像机监控场所。)
- The city comes alive at nighttime with its vibrant nightlife.(这座城市在夜晚因其充满活力的夜生活而显得生机勃勃。)
- The hiker observed nocturnal animals using night vision binoculars.(徒步旅行者使用夜视双筒望远镜观察夜行动物。)
- We had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant last evening.(昨晚我们在餐厅里吃了一顿美味的晚餐。)
- The night vision scope allowed the sniper to identify targets in low light.(夜视瞄准镜让狙击手能在微弱光线下辨认目标。)
- The party lasted until late in the evening.(派对一直持续到深夜。)
- She couldn't see anything in the nighttime darkness.(她在夜晚的黑暗中什么都看不见。)
- The night vision technology has greatly improved over the years.(夜视技术在过去几年中取得了巨大的进步。)
- I enjoy going for a jog in the park in the evening.(我喜欢在晚上去公园慢跑。)
- She used a night vision scope to search for her lost keys in the dark.(她使用夜视瞄准镜在黑暗中搜寻丢失的钥匙。)
- The evening sky was filled with stars.(夜晚的天空布满了星星。)
- They set up night vision cameras to capture footage of nocturnal animals.(他们设置了夜视摄像机来拍摄夜行动物的镜头。)