1. yesman (adj.) - 同意一切的,唯唯诺诺的词语辨析
1. yeswoman (adj.) - 同上,指女性
2. sycophantic (adj.) - 阿谀奉承的,谄媚的
3. obsequious (adj.) - 奉承的,顺从的
1. yesman (n.) - 唯唯诺诺的人 - 阿谀奉承者词汇扩充
1. sycophant (n.) - 阿谀奉承者,谄媚者
2. flatterer (n.) - 奉承者
3. bootlicker (n.) - 拍马屁者
4. toady (n.) - 谄媚者
yesman (noun)
A yes-man is a person who agrees with everything that is said, especially with the person who employs or controls them.
Example: He's more of a yes-man than a thinker.
yesman (noun)
A person who always supports the opinions or ideas of someone else, especially someone who is in a more important position.
Example: He's just the boss's yes-man.
I don't want a yesman. I need someone who can challenge my ideas and bring new perspectives to the table.
She became known as the CEO's yeswoman, always agreeing with his decisions without question.
- He is such a yesman that he never expresses his own opinions. - 他是个唯唯诺诺的人,从不表达自己的观点。
- We need someone who is not just a yesman, but who can provide critical feedback. - 我们需要的是一个不仅仅是唯唯诺诺的人,而是能提供批评性反馈的人。
- The manager surrounded himself with yesmen, creating an echo chamber of agreement. - 经理周围都是唯唯诺诺的人,形成了一个只有赞同声音的回音室。
- Being a yesman won't earn you respect in the long run. - 长此以往,唯唯诺诺不会赢得尊重。
- She's tired of being seen as a yeswoman and wants to assert herself more. - 她厌倦了被人看作是唯唯诺诺的女性,想要更加自主地表达自己。
- He's not just a yesman; he's a true team player who brings valuable insights. - 他不仅仅是个唯唯诺诺的人,而是一个真正的团队合作者,能提供有价值的见解。
- Don't be a yesman and blindly follow others' opinions. - 别做个唯唯诺诺的人,盲目追随他人的意见。
- The CEO only surrounds himself with yesmen who never challenge his decisions. - 这位首席执行官只围绕自己与唯唯诺诺的人,从不受到挑战他决策的人的困扰。
- He's more of a yesman than a leader, always agreeing with those in power. - 他更像是个唯唯诺诺的人,总是顺从权贵。
- She's become the boss's yeswoman, always nodding in agreement without voicing her own thoughts. - 她成了老板的唯唯诺诺的人,总是点头赞同却不发表自己的想法。
- Having a team of yesmen may create a comfortable environment, but it hinders innovation and growth. - 拥有一支唯唯诺诺的团队可能会创造出舒适的环境,但会阻碍创新和成长。
- He's not just a yesman; he's a critical thinker who challenges the status quo. - 他不仅仅是唯唯诺诺的人,而是一个具有批判性思维的人,能够挑战现状。
- She's tired of being seen as the boss's yeswoman and wants to establish her own authority. - 她厌倦了被视为老板的唯唯诺诺的人,想要建立自己的权威。
- Don't just be a yesman; speak up and provide your own perspective. - 别只是唯唯诺诺,大胆地说出来并提供你自己的观点。
- The company's culture discouraged dissent and promoted yesmen, leading to a lack of innovation. - 公司的文化压制异议并提拔唯唯诺诺的人,导致创新不足。
- She's tired of being labeled as a yeswoman and wants to be recognized for her own ideas. - 她厌倦了被贴上唯唯诺诺的标签,想要因自己的想法得到认可。
- He surrounded himself with a group of yesmen who would never challenge his authority. - 他将自己包围在一群唯唯诺诺的人中,他们永远不会对他的权威提出质疑。
- She's not just a yeswoman; she's a valuable asset to the team with her critical thinking skills. - 她不仅仅是个唯唯诺诺的人,她凭借自己的批判性思维能力为团队带来了很大的贡献。
- Being a yesman may make you popular in the short term, but it won't earn you respect in the long run. - 短期内,做个唯唯诺诺的人可能会使你受欢迎,但长远来看,不会赢得尊重。
- He's tired of being a yesman and wants to stand up for his own ideas. - 他厌倦了做个唯唯诺诺的人,想要为自己的观点发声。
- She's surrounded by yesmen who never question her decisions, creating a stagnant work environment. - 她被一群从不质疑她决策的唯唯诺诺的人包围着,造成了一种停滞不前的工作环境。