1. 年轻的
Young (adjective) means having lived or existed for only a short time.
- He is still young and full of energy.(他还年轻,精力充沛。)
- She looks young for her age.(她看上去比实际年龄年轻。)
- They got married when they were both very young.(他们两人结婚时都很年轻。)
2. 未成熟的
Young (adjective) refers to being in an early stage of development or existence.
- The young plants need plenty of sunlight.(幼苗需要充足的阳光。)
- She is a talented young actress.(她是一位有才华的年轻女演员。)
- The young company quickly gained popularity.(这家新公司迅速赢得了声誉。)
1. 年轻人
Young (noun) refers to a person in the early stage of their life or career.
- The young are the future of our society.(年轻人是我们社会的未来。)
- She is one of the talented young in the music industry.(她是音乐界的有才华的年轻人之一。)
- Many young dream of becoming famous.(许多年轻人梦想成名。)
2. 幼崽
Young (noun) refers to the offspring of an animal.
- The lioness protects her young from danger.(母狮保护她的幼崽免受危险。)
- The bird feeds its young with worms.(鸟用虫子喂养它的幼崽。)
- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring the young of various species.(动物园有一个新的展览,展示了各种物种的幼崽。)
1. young vs. old
"Young" and "old" are antonyms that describe the opposite stages of life or the degree of maturity.
- He is still young, but his grandparents are old.(他还年轻,但他的祖父母年纪大了。)
- The young trees are planted next to the old ones.(年轻的树木种在老树旁边。)
2. young vs. elderly
"Young" refers to people in the early stages of life, while "elderly" specifically refers to older people.
- The young and the elderly have different needs.(年轻人和老年人有不同的需求。)
- She takes care of her young siblings and elderly parents.(她照顾年幼的兄弟姐妹和年迈的父母。)
1. youngster:年轻人
2. youth:青年
3. juvenile:少年
4. adolescent:青少年
5. baby:婴儿
adolescent, juvenile, youthful, teen, teenage, youngish
old, elderly, aged, mature, adult
1. When someone is young, they have lived for only a short time or have not yet reached a particular age.
2. A young person, animal, or plant has not lived or existed for very long and is not yet completely grown.
1. Young people, animals, or plants are in the early part of their life.
2. The young are people who are young, or who have not lived for very long.
1. Having lived or existed for only a short time and not old.
2. (of an animal or plant) In the early stage of development.
1. Offspring, especially of an animal before or soon after birth.
2. (the young) The younger members of a family or group.
1. Young can be used as both an adjective and a noun.
2. "Young" is commonly used to describe people, animals, plants, and objects that are in the early stages of life or development.
3. It is important to use context when interpreting the meaning of "young" as it can refer to different stages or ages depending on the context.
- She is a young and talented artist.(她是一位年轻有才华的艺术家。)
- The young girl dreams of becoming a doctor.(这个年轻的女孩梦想成为一名医生。)
- He adopted a young puppy from the shelter.(他从收容所领养了一只幼犬。)
- The young trees need to be watered regularly.(这些年轻的树需要定期浇水。)
- Many young aspire to become successful entrepreneurs.(许多年轻人渴望成为成功的企业家。)
- The lioness protects her young from predators.(母狮保护幼崽免受捕食者的伤害。)
- They organized a party for the young in the community.(他们为社区的年轻人组织了一个聚会。)
- The young of birds learn to fly by practicing.(鸟的幼崽通过练习学会飞行。)
- The young are the future leaders of our country.(年轻人是我们国家的未来领导者。)
- She started her career as a young journalist.(她作为一名年轻的记者开始了她的职业生涯。)
- He has a young and energetic team working with him.(他有一个年轻而充满活力的团队与他共事。)
- The young are more open to new ideas and experiences.(年轻人更加开放接受新的想法和经历。)
- She looks so young for her age.(她看上去比实际年龄年轻。)
- The young couple just bought their first house.(这对年轻夫妇刚买了他们的第一套房子。)
- He is still young at heart despite his age.(尽管年纪大了,但他的内心仍然年轻。)
- The young leaves of the plant are bright green.(植物的嫩叶呈鲜绿色。)
- She has a young and fresh look.(她看上去年轻而清新。)
- The young of the species are independent within a few months.(这个物种的幼崽在几个月内就能独立生活。)
- The young need guidance and support from adults.(年轻人需要成年人的指导和支持。)
- He is considered one of the most promising young in the industry.(他被认为是该行业最有前途的年轻人之一。)
- The zoo has a new exhibit featuring the young of various species.(动物园有一个新的展览,展示了各种物种的幼崽。)