youraccount 【计】 账户词语辨析
- account:账户,指在银行或其他金融机构开设的个人或机构用于存款、取款和转账等金融交易的账户。 - youraccount:指特指某个人的账户,强调所有权和个人性质。形容词
- accountant:会计师 - accounting:会计学,财务管理 - accountable:负有责任的,应对某事负责的近义词
- yourprofile - yourrecord - yourbalance反义词
- notyouraccount - otheraccounts - theiraccounts柯林斯词典
youraccount (Computing) (noun)Youraccount is a record of your name, address, and password, as well as information about your activities and transactions on a website or computer system.
youraccount (noun)An individual's account, especially on a website or with a particular company, which requires a username and password to access and where personal information and details of transactions are stored.
- Please log in to youraccount to manage your settings. - You can access youraccount by entering your username and password.相关例句
- Please make sure you have sufficient funds in youraccount. (请确保你的账户有足够的资金。)
- Log in to youraccount to view your recent transactions. (登录你的账户,查看最近的交易。)
- Click on "Forgot Password" if you can't access youraccount. (如果无法访问你的账户,点击“忘记密码”。)
- Youraccount has been temporarily locked due to multiple failed login attempts. (由于多次登录失败,你的账户已被暂时锁定。)
- Make sure to keep youraccount information confidential to protect your personal data. (确保保密你的账户信息,以保护个人数据。)
- By linking youraccount to your social media profile, you can easily share updates with your friends. (将你的账户与社交媒体资料关联,可以轻松与朋友分享更新。)
- To create a new account, click on "Sign Up" and follow the instructions. (要创建新账户,请点击“注册”并按照指示操作。)
- If you have any issues with youraccount, please contact our customer support team. (如果你的账户有任何问题,请联系我们的客户支持团队。)
- Please ensure that the email address associated with youraccount is up to date. (请确保与你的账户关联的电子邮件地址是最新的。)
- By accessing youraccount settings, you can customize various preferences. (通过访问你的账户设置,可以自定义各种偏好设置。)
- Don't forget to log out of youraccount when using a shared computer. (使用公共电脑时,不要忘记退出你的账户。)
- You can view youraccount balance by clicking on the "Balance" tab. (点击“余额”选项卡可以查看你的账户余额。)
- Make sure to choose a strong password for youraccount to enhance security. (请确保为你的账户选择一个强密码,以增强安全性。)
- Youraccount has been successfully created. Welcome aboard! (你的账户已成功创建。欢迎加入!)
- To close youraccount, please contact our customer service team. (要关闭你的账户,请联系我们的客户服务团队。)
- For more information, refer to the FAQ section on youraccount page. (有关更多信息,请参阅你的账户页面上的常见问题解答部分。)
- If you encounter any issues while accessing youraccount, try clearing your browser cache. (如果在访问你的账户时遇到任何问题,请尝试清除浏览器缓存。)
- Please provide youraccount details for verification purposes. (为了验证目的,请提供你的账户详细信息。)
- To update youraccount information, go to the "Settings" tab and click on "Edit Profile". (要更新你的账户信息,请转到“设置”选项卡,然后点击“编辑个人资料”。)
- You can link your credit card to youraccount to make secure online payments. (你可以将信用卡与你的账户关联,进行安全的在线支付。)