形容词 (Adjective)
1. 可爱的;迷人的
- lovely; charming
2. 优雅的;有品味的
- elegant; tasteful
名词 (Noun)
1. 可爱的人;迷人的人
- lovely person; charming person
2. 优雅的人;有品味的人
- elegant person; tasteful person
词语辨析 (Differentiation)
- 形容词 "yuegene" 用来形容人或物的可爱、迷人、优雅、有品味等特质。作为名词时,指的是具有这些特质的人。
词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Extension)
- 迷人的 (lovely; charming)
- 可爱的 (cute; adorable)
- 优雅的 (graceful; refined)
- 有品味的 (stylish; tasteful)
近义词 (Synonyms)
- 可爱的 (cute; adorable)
- 迷人的 (charming; enchanting)
- 优雅的 (elegant; graceful)
- 有品味的 (stylish; tasteful)
反义词 (Antonyms)
- 丑陋的 (ugly)
- 拙劣的 (unrefined)
- 粗俗的 (vulgar)
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
- 暂无相关信息。
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
- 暂无相关信息。
用法 (Usage)
- "yuegene" 通常用于形容人或物的可爱、迷人、优雅、有品味等特质。作为形容词使用时,可修饰名词。作为名词使用时,指代具有这些特质的人。
例句 (Example Sentences)
她是个yuegene的女孩,总能吸引人的注意力。 (She is a lovely girl who always captures people's attention.)
这座城市的建筑非常yuegene,充满了艺术气息。 (The architecture of this city is very elegant and full of artistic charm.)
那只小猫非常yuegene,我简直爱不释手。 (That little cat is so adorable, I can't help but love it.)
他的穿着总是非常yuegene,给人留下了深刻的印象。 (His attire is always very stylish, leaving a lasting impression.)
她是一位yuegene,不仅外表漂亮,内在也非常迷人。 (She is a charming person, who is not only beautiful on the outside but also captivating on the inside.)
这家咖啡店的装潢非常yuegene,给人一种温馨舒适的感觉。 (The decor of this coffee shop is very tasteful, giving a warm and cozy feeling.)
他是一个非常yuegene的绅士,总是彬彬有礼。 (He is a very elegant gentleman who is always courteous.)
那位歌手的音乐风格非常yuegene,深受年轻人喜爱。 (The singer's musical style is very captivating and is loved by young people.)
这幅画的色彩非常yuegene,给人一种愉悦的感觉。 (The colors in this painting are very lovely and evoke a sense of pleasure.)
他的行为举止总是非常yuegene,给人一种亲切的感觉。 (His behavior and manners are always very charming, giving a sense of warmth.)
她是一位非常yuegene的女士,总是给人留下美好的印象。 (She is a very lovely lady who always leaves a positive impression.)
这个小镇的风景非常yuegene,吸引了许多游客前来观光。 (The scenery of this town is very charming, attracting many tourists.)
那家餐厅的装修非常yuegene,让人感到舒适和放松。 (The decoration of that restaurant is very elegant, making people feel comfortable and relaxed.)
她的穿着总是非常yuegene,每个人都会注意到她。 (Her attire is always very tasteful, and everyone notices her.)
他是一个非常yuegene的演员,无论是外貌还是演技都很出色。 (He is a very charming actor, who is outstanding in both appearance and acting skills.)
这个婴儿非常yuegene,总是让人忍不住想亲近。 (This baby is very lovely, always making people want to be close to him/her.)
她的舞蹈动作非常yuegene,优美而独特。 (Her dance movements are very elegant, graceful, and unique.)
他的艺术品创作总是非常yuegene,充满了创意和美感。 (His art creations are always very tasteful, filled with creativity and aesthetic beauty.)
这个小镇的建筑风格非常yuegene,保留了许多历史特色。 (The architectural style of this town is very charming, preserving many historical features.)
他的笑容非常yuegene,让人感到幸福和温暖。 (His smile is very lovely, making people feel happy and warm.)
她是一位非常yuegene的主持人,总能给观众带来愉快的体验。 (She is a very charming host who always brings a pleasant experience to the audience.)