英 [ɪn'vestmənt] 美 [ɪn'vɛstmənt]
1. 投资;投资额
2. 投资项目;投资行为
1. 投资的;投资性的
1. investment portfolio:投资组合
2. investment bank:投资银行
3. investment fund:投资基金
投资:investment, investment project, investment behavior
investment: An investment is a sum of money that you put in a bank, business, or building society in order to make a profit.
investment: The action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
He made a wise investment in the stock market.
- She decided to make an investment in the new company.
- 他决定对这家新公司进行投资。
- They are looking for a safe investment with a good return.
- 他们正在寻找一种风险较低且回报不错的投资。
- Real estate has always been considered a solid investment.
- 房地产一直被认为是一种稳健的投资。
- He has a diverse investment portfolio including stocks, bonds, and real estate.
- 他拥有多样化的投资组合,包括股票、债券和房地产。
- She works for an investment bank in the city.
- 她在城市的一家投资银行工作。
- The government is encouraging foreign investment in the country.
- 政府正在鼓励外国对该国投资。
- They are considering an investment of $1 million in the project.
- 他们正在考虑向这个项目投资100万美元。
- He made a risky investment in cryptocurrency and lost a lot of money.
- 他在加密货币上进行了冒险的投资,损失了很多钱。
- It's important to do thorough research before making any investment.
- 在进行任何投资之前,做彻底的研究是非常重要的。
- She believes that education is the best investment for the future.
- 她认为教育是未来最好的投资。
- The company is looking for investment opportunities in emerging markets.
- 该公司正在寻找新兴市场的投资机会。
- He is a successful investment manager with a proven track record.
- 他是一位成功的投资经理,拥有可靠的业绩记录。
- They are planning to expand their business with the help of investment from venture capitalists.
- 他们计划借助风险投资家的帮助扩大业务。
- She inherited a large sum of money and decided to put it into investments.
- 她继承了一大笔钱,决定把它投资。
- He has a keen eye for investment opportunities and can spot a good deal quickly.
- 他对投资机会有敏锐的洞察力,可以迅速发现好的交易。
- The company's investment strategy focuses on long-term growth and sustainability.
- 公司的投资策略侧重于长期增长和可持续性。
- They are seeking investment partners to help them launch their new product.
- 他们正在寻找投资伙伴,帮助他们推出新产品。
- She works as a consultant for high-net-worth individuals looking for investment advice.
- 她作为顾问为富裕人士提供寻找投资建议。
- He believes that art can be a profitable investment if chosen wisely.
- 他认为如果明智选择,艺术可以成为有利可图的投资。
- The city is attracting foreign investment with tax incentives and infrastructure development.
- 该城市通过税收激励和基础设施发展吸引外国投资。