department store - 百货商店
police department - 警察局
academic department - 学术部门
division, section, unit
whole, entirety, entirety
名词: A department is one of the sections in an organization such as a government, business, or university.
名词: A division of a large organization such as a government, university, or business, dealing with a specific area of activity.
1. He works in the marketing department of a multinational company.
2. The Education Department is responsible for overseeing the school system.
1. She is the head of the finance department at the bank. (她是银行财务部门的负责人。)
2. The Human Resources Department is in charge of hiring new employees. (人力资源部门负责招聘新员工。)
3. The Engineering Department is working on developing a new product. (工程部门正在研发一款新产品。)
4. The Health Department has issued a warning about the flu outbreak. (卫生部门发布了关于流感爆发的警告。)
5. She applied for a job in the Sales Department of a fashion company. (她申请了一家时尚公司销售部门的工作。)
6. The IT department is responsible for maintaining the company's computer systems. (IT部门负责维护公司的计算机系统。)
7. The Communications Department handles all media inquiries. (传播部门处理所有媒体查询。)
8. The Legal Department reviews all contracts before they are signed. (法律部门在合同签署前审查所有合同。)
9. The Marketing Department is launching a new advertising campaign. (市场部门正在推出一项新的广告宣传活动。)
10. The Accounting Department is responsible for managing the company's finances. (会计部门负责管理公司的财务。)
11. The Customer Service Department assists clients with any issues they may have. (客户服务部门帮助客户解决可能出现的问题。)
12. The Production Department is working overtime to meet the deadline. (生产部门正在加班以满足截止日期。)
13. The Research and Development Department is constantly innovating new products. (研发部门不断创新新产品。)
14. The HR department organizes training sessions for employees. (人力资源部门组织员工培训课程。)
15. The Purchasing Department is responsible for sourcing materials for production. (采购部门负责为生产采购材料。)
16. The Environmental Department monitors pollution levels in the city. (环保部门监测城市的污染水平。)
17. The Legal Department provides advice on compliance with regulations. (法律部门就合规事宜提供建议。)
18. The IT department is upgrading the company's network infrastructure. (IT部门正在升级公司的网络基础设施。)
19. The Sales Department is meeting to discuss quarterly targets. (销售部门正在开会讨论季度目标。)
20. The Customer Support Department is available 24/7 for assistance. (客户支持部门全天候提供帮助。)