- 1. 委员会,委员会的职责
- 2. 佣金,提成
- 3. 委托,委任
- 1. 委任,委托
- 2. 授权,委托
- 1. 委托的,委任的
commission vs. omission
commissioner (n.): 委员,专员
commissioning (n.): 委任,委托
recommission (v.): 重新委任
assignment, task, duty
dismiss, discharge
commission (noun): A commission is a piece of work that someone is asked to do and is paid for.
commission (verb): If someone commissions something important or expensive, they formally arrange for it to be made or done.
commission (noun): An instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.
commission (verb): Give an order for or authorize the production of (something).
1. The artist received a commission to paint a portrait of the mayor.
2. The company pays a commission to their sales representatives for each product sold.
3. The government commissioned a study to evaluate the impact of the new policy.
1. The company commissioned a new building to be constructed in the city center.
2. She received a commission to write an article for the magazine.
3. The artist was commissioned to create a sculpture for the park.
4. The government commissioned a report on the state of the economy.
5. The architect was commissioned to design a new office building.
6. The commission for selling the house was split between the real estate agent and the broker.
7. The commission decided to investigate the allegations of corruption.
8. The salesperson earns a commission on every sale they make.
9. The commissioned artist created a masterpiece for the exhibition.
10. The government commissioned a series of public service announcements to raise awareness about the issue.
11. The detective was commissioned to solve the high-profile case.
12. The commissioned study provided valuable insights into the market trends.
13. The commission for the project was negotiated before work began.
14. The artist's commissioned work was displayed in a prominent gallery.
15. The commission of inquiry was set up to investigate the incident.
16. She received a commission for referring new clients to the company.
17. The commission approved the proposal for the new development.
18. The commissioned piece of music was performed by a renowned orchestra.
19. The commission was responsible for overseeing the implementation of the new policy.
20. The artist's commission fee was based on the size and complexity of the artwork.