- 肾炎
- 肾炎的
肾脏疾病 - kidney disease
肾病 - renal disease
健康的肾脏 - healthy kidneys
nephritis: inflammation of the kidneys
nephritis: kidney inflammation
1. He was diagnosed with acute nephritis and was hospitalized immediately. (他被诊断出患有急性肾炎,并立即住院治疗。)
2. Chronic nephritis can lead to kidney failure if left untreated. (慢性肾炎如果不及时治疗会导致肾功能衰竭。)
3. The doctor prescribed medication to treat the nephritis. (医生开了药来治疗肾炎。)
4. She suffered from recurrent nephritis throughout her childhood. (她在童年时期一直患有反复发作的肾炎。)
5. Nephritis is often caused by infections or autoimmune diseases. (肾炎通常是由感染或自身免疫疾病引起的。)
6. The main symptom of nephritis is blood in the urine. (肾炎的主要症状是尿中有血。)
7. Treatment for nephritis may include medication, dialysis, or even kidney transplant. (治疗肾炎可能包括药物、透析,甚至肾移植。)
8. The doctor advised him to avoid foods high in sodium to prevent nephritis from worsening. (医生建议他避免高钠食物,以防止肾炎恶化。)
9. She experienced severe pain in her back as a result of the nephritis. (她因患肾炎而在背部感到剧痛。)
10. The patient's condition improved significantly after receiving treatment for nephritis. (患者接受肾炎治疗后病情有了明显好转。)
11. Early detection and treatment of nephritis can prevent long-term kidney damage. (早期发现和治疗肾炎可以预防长期的肾脏损伤。)
12. The doctor explained the possible causes of nephritis to the patient. (医生向患者解释了肾炎可能的原因。)
13. If left untreated, nephritis can lead to complications such as high blood pressure. (如果不及时治疗,肾炎可能导致并发症,如高血压。)
14. The patient was advised to drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins caused by nephritis. (医生建议患者多喝水,有助于排出肾炎产生的毒素。)
15. Regular check-ups are recommended for patients with a history of nephritis. (建议肾炎病史患者定期体检。)
16. The doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat the bacterial infection that caused the nephritis. (医生开了抗生素来治疗引起肾炎的细菌感染。)
17. The patient was advised to follow a low-protein diet to reduce the strain on the kidneys affected by nephritis. (医生建议患者遵循低蛋白饮食,减轻肾脏受肾炎影响的负担。)
18. The symptoms of acute nephritis include fever, fatigue, and swelling in the legs. (急性肾炎的症状包括发烧、疲劳和腿部肿胀。)
19. The patient's urine samples were sent to the lab for testing to confirm the diagnosis of nephritis. (患者的尿样被送到实验室进行检测,以确认肾炎的诊断。)
20. Nephritis can be a serious condition if not properly managed, leading to kidney damage and other complications. (如果管理不当,肾炎可能是一种严重疾病,导致肾脏损伤和其他并发症。)