1. 恶魔的;邪恶的
2. 可怕的;令人惊恐的
1. 怪物;畸形
2. 不可思议的事物
monster, abnormality, freak, mutant, grotesque
normality, beauty, ordinary
monstrum (noun)
1. Something that is very large and ugly.
2. If you describe something as a monster, you mean that it is extremely large, great, or successful.
monstrum (noun)
1. An animal or plant with a physical deformity that is believed to be the result of supernatural or divine intervention.
2. An imaginary creature that is large, ugly, and frightening.
3. A person or thing that is very large, ugly, or frightening.
1. That building is a monstrum of architectural design.
2. The creature emerging from the darkness was a true monstrum.
3. The monstrous size of the wave struck fear into their hearts.
- The abandoned house was rumored to be inhabited by monstrous creatures. (废弃的房子据说住着畸形的生物。)
- The scientist created a monstrosity in his lab. (科学家在实验室中制造了一个怪物。)
- The monstrosities lurking in the shadows sent shivers down their spines. (潜伏在阴影中的怪物使他们不寒而栗。)
- She was fascinated by the monstrum and watched it with a mix of fear and curiosity. (她对这个怪物着迷,带着恐惧和好奇的心情观察着它。)
- The monstrous creature loomed over the city, casting a shadow of terror. (巨大的怪物高耸在城市上空,投下一片恐怖的阴影。)
- The protagonist in the story was haunted by nightmares of monsters that lurked in the darkness. (故事中的主人公被潜伏在黑暗中的怪物的噩梦所困扰。)
- The abnormality of the situation made it difficult to comprehend. (情况的异常使得难以理解。)
- The freak of nature amazed and frightened onlookers. (大自然的怪物使观众惊奇和恐惧。)
- The genetic experiment resulted in a mutant with extraordinary abilities. (遗传实验导致了一个具有非凡能力的突变体。)
- The circus showcased various grotesque performers and creatures. (马戏团展示了各种奇异的表演者和生物。)
- She admired the monster of a painting hanging on the wall. (她欣赏着挂在墙上的一幅怪物画。)
- The mountain stood like a monstrum against the horizon. (这座山像一座巨大的怪物般矗立在地平线上。)
- The monstrous success of the company was beyond anyone's expectations. (公司的巨大成功超出了任何人的预期。)
- The monstrous wave crashed against the shore, causing widespread destruction. (巨大的浪潮冲击着海岸,造成了广泛的破坏。)
- His actions were a monstrosity that will never be forgotten. (他的行为是一种永远不会被遗忘的怪物。)
- They were horrified by the monstrosities they witnessed in the haunted house. (他们对在鬼屋中目睹的怪物感到恐惧。)
- The monstrum in her nightmares seemed all too real. (她梦中的怪兽似乎太真实了。)
- The monstrous size of the creature made it difficult to believe. (这个怪物巨大的体积使人难以相信。)
- They were captivated by the monstrosity of the ancient ruins. (他们被古代废墟的怪异之处所吸引。)
- The monstrosities created by the mad scientist wreaked havoc on the city. (疯狂科学家创造的怪物给城市带来了大破坏。)
- She was terrified by the monsters that lurked in the dark corners of her mind. (她对潜伏在心灵阴暗角落的怪物感到恐惧。)