Parsimonious - 中英词典
1. 吝啬的;过度节俭的 - She was known for her parsimonious lifestyle, always saving every penny she could.(她因生活节俭而著名,总是省吃俭用) - The company's parsimonious approach to employee benefits caused dissatisfaction among the staff.(公司对员工福利的吝啬态度引起了员工的不满) 2. 简单的;简洁的;经济的 - The designer's parsimonious use of colors in the room created a modern and minimalist aesthetic.(设计师对房间色彩的简洁运用创造了现代简约的美感) - The author's parsimonious writing style captivated readers with its economy of words.(作者简洁的写作风格以其字字珠玑的特点吸引了读者)名词
1. 吝啬鬼;过度节俭的人 - He was labeled a parsimonious by his friends due to his extreme frugality.(由于他极度节俭,他被朋友们称为吝啬鬼)词语辨析
- parsimonious vs. frugal: - Both words refer to being economical, but "parsimonious" suggests being excessively and unwarrantedly sparing or stingy, while "frugal" implies being thrifty and prudent in managing resources.词汇扩充
- thriftiness - stinginess - tightfistedness - miserliness近义词
- thrifty - economical - sparing - scrimping - penny-pinching反义词
- extravagant - wasteful - prodigal - lavish - spendthrift柯林斯词典
parsimonious in British English [ˌpɑːsɪˈməʊnɪəs] 1. If you say that someone is parsimonious, you mean that they are very unwilling to spend money. 2. Something that is parsimonious is very small in amount or size.牛津词典
parsimonious in American English [ˌpɑrsɪˈmoʊniəs] 1. Unwilling to spend money or use resources; stingy or frugal. 2. (of an amount, especially of food or drink) Very small; meager.用法
- She is well-known for her parsimonious habits. - The company's parsimonious approach to funding research projects hindered innovation. - Despite his wealth, he remained parsimonious and lived a modest lifestyle.例句
- He was criticized for his parsimonious spending habits.(他因节俭的消费习惯受到批评)
- The parsimonious use of ingredients in the recipe resulted in a simple yet flavorful dish.(在这个食谱中节约使用食材,最终做出了一道简单而美味的菜肴)
- Her parsimonious nature made her hesitate to buy anything that wasn't absolutely necessary.(她节俭的性格使她犹豫是否购买任何不是绝对必需的东西)
- The company's parsimonious budget allocation led to a decline in product quality.(公司吝啬的预算分配导致产品质量下降)
- Despite their wealth, the family lived a parsimonious lifestyle, avoiding extravagance.(尽管富有,这个家庭过着节俭的生活,避免奢侈)
- His parsimonious ways meant he rarely treated himself to anything indulgent.(他吝啬的方式意味着他很少给自己买奢侈品)
- The restaurant received praise for its parsimonious use of ingredients, resulting in affordable yet delicious meals.(这家餐厅因为节约使用食材而受到赞扬,做出了物美价廉的美食)
- His parsimonious attitude towards charity donations raised eyebrows among his peers.(他对慈善捐款的吝啬态度在同行中引起了不满)
- The professor's parsimonious lectures were criticized by students who wanted more in-depth discussions.(学生们对教授简洁的讲座提出了批评,他们希望有更深入的讨论)
- The company's parsimonious approach to employee benefits resulted in high turnover and low morale.(公司对员工福利的吝啬态度导致员工流失率高,士气低落)
- Her parsimonious nature led her to reuse and recycle as much as possible.(她节俭的性格使她尽可能地重复使用和回收利用)
- His parsimonious spending habits allowed him to save a substantial amount of money for retirement.(他节俭的消费习惯使他为退休存了相当多的钱)
- Despite their vast wealth, the family lived a parsimonious and unassuming life.(尽管富有,这个家庭过着节俭朴素的生活)
- The company's parsimonious budget for marketing severely limited its ability to reach new customers.(公司对营销的节约预算严重限制了其吸引新客户的能力)
- His parsimonious nature often clashed with his wife's desire for luxury and indulgence.(他节俭的性格经常与妻子对奢侈和放纵的渴望发生冲突)
- The charity criticized the billionaire's parsimonious donation, considering his immense wealth.(慈善机构批评这位亿万富翁吝啬的捐款,考虑到他的巨大财富)
- The author's parsimonious use of words created a concise and impactful narrative.(作者对文字的简洁运用创造了简明扼要而有冲击力的叙述)
- Her parsimonious approach to decorating the house resulted in a clean and minimalist design.(她对装修房子的节俭方式创造了一个干净而简约的设计)
- The manager's parsimonious decision to cut costs led to a decrease in employee morale.(经理吝啬地决定削减成本导致员工士气下降)
- The artist's parsimonious use of paint on the canvas created a striking and impactful piece of art.(艺术家在画布上节约使用颜料创造了一件引人注目且有冲击力的艺术作品)
- The parsimonious allocation of funds to the education sector resulted in a decline in the quality of schools.(对教育部门的吝啬资金分配导致学校质量下降)