中英词典 - "inset"
1. 插入的;嵌入的
inset (adj.)
1. 插图;嵌图
inset (n.)
2. 小块;嵌块
inset (n.)
- insetted (adj.) - 插入的;嵌入的
- insetting (n.) - 插入
- insert (v.) - 插入
- embed (v.) - 嵌入
- implant (v.) - 植入
- extract (v.) - 提取
- remove (v.) - 移除
inset (noun):
1. An inset is a small picture, map, or piece of writing which is printed separately from the main text in a book or magazine.
2. A piece of fabric or other material which is sewn into a larger piece to make a decoration is referred to as an inset.
inset (adjective):
1. If a picture, map, or piece of writing is printed as an inset, it is printed separately from the main text in a book or magazine.
2. An inset is used to describe something that is inserted or set into a larger object or area.
inset (noun):
1. A small picture, map, or piece of writing printed separately from the main text in a book or magazine.
2. A thing that is inserted or set into something else, especially a piece of extra material added to a garment.
inset (adjective):
1. Inserted or set into something else, especially a small picture or map inserted in the body of a larger one.
2. Set into the surface of something.
- The book had an inset map showing the different regions. (这本书有一张插图地图,显示不同的地区。)
- The inset panel on the door was beautifully carved. (门上的嵌板被精美地雕刻了。)
- The magazine included several insets with additional information. (这本杂志包括了几个带有额外信息的插图。)
- The blouse had lace insets along the sleeves. (这件衬衫的袖子上有蕾丝嵌块。)
- The textbook had an inset diagram illustrating the scientific process. (这本教科书有一幅插图,说明了科学过程。)
- She added an inset photo of her family to the scrapbook. (她在剪贴簿上添加了一张她家人的插图照片。)
- The cabinet doors had beautiful wooden insets. (橱柜门上有漂亮的木质嵌板。)
- The article featured an inset map of the city center. (这篇文章中有一张城市中心的插图地图。)
- He carefully inserted the small puzzle piece into the larger picture. (他小心地将小拼图块插入到大图中。)
- The blouse had lace insets along the neckline. (这件衬衫的领口上有蕾丝嵌块。)
- The brochure included several insets with detailed product specifications. (这本宣传册内包括了几个带有详细产品规格的插图。)
- She added an inset panel of decorative fabric to the quilt. (她在被子上添加了一块装饰性织物的嵌板。)
- The textbook had an inset diagram illustrating the scientific process. (这本教科书有一幅插图,说明了科学过程。)
- The magazine article had an inset photo of the famous actor. (这篇杂志文章有一张著名演员的插图照片。)
- The architect suggested using an inset fireplace to save space. (建筑师建议使用嵌入式壁炉来节省空间。)
- The painting had a small inset scene in the corner. (这幅画的角落有一个小的嵌入式场景。)
- The necklace had a beautiful gemstone inset in the pendant. (这条项链的吊坠上嵌有一颗漂亮的宝石。)
- The book had an inset map showing the different regions. (这本书有一张插图地图,显示不同的地区。)
- The blouse had lace insets along the sleeves. (这件衬衫的袖子上有蕾丝嵌块。)
- The brochure included insets of customer testimonials. (这本宣传册中包含了客户证明的插图。)
- The document had an inset table summarizing the findings. (这份文件有一个总结研究结果的插图表格。)
- The cabinet had an inset mirror on the inside of the door. (橱柜门内侧有个嵌入式镜子。)
- The magazine included several insets with additional information. (这本杂志包括了几个带有额外信息的插图。)
- She added an inset photo of her family to the scrapbook. (她在剪贴簿上添加了一张她家人的插图照片。)