pigments ['pigments]
【名词】1. 颜料;色素
2. 色质细胞
【词汇扩充】pigmentary ['pigmentəri] 【形容词】色素的;含有色素的
【近义词】colorant, dye, stain
【反义词】bleach, decolorizer, whitener
1. Pigments are substances that are used for coloring other materials, especially ones used in printing or painting.
2. In biology, a pigment is a substance in living things that gives them color.
1. A substance used for coloring other materials.
2. A coloring matter in organisms, produced by bile.
1. The artist mixed different pigments to create a unique color.
2. The pigment in her skin gives her a beautiful complexion.
- The painting uses a variety of pigments to achieve vibrant colors. (这幅画使用了多种颜料,以达到鲜艳的色彩。)
- The pigment in the flower petals gives them their bright red color. (花瓣中的色素赋予它们鲜艳的红色。)
- She used a specialized pigment to create the subtle shading in her artwork. (她使用了一种专门的颜料来创造她作品中的微妙阴影。)
- Some animals can change the color of their skin by producing different pigments. (一些动物可以通过产生不同的色素来改变它们的皮肤颜色。)
- The pigments used in this fabric are not resistant to fading in sunlight. (这种面料中使用的颜料在阳光下不耐褪色。)
- The artist carefully mixed the pigments to achieve the exact shade she desired. (艺术家仔细地混合颜料,以获得她所期望的准确色调。)
- Her paintings are known for their bold use of pigments. (她的画以其大胆使用颜料而闻名。)
- The pigment in these berries is what gives them their deep purple color. (这些浆果中的色素赋予了它们深紫色的颜色。)
- Pigments are often added to cosmetics to create different shades of makeup. (常常在化妆品中添加颜料以制造不同色调的化妆品。)
- Some animals have specialized pigment cells that allow them to blend into their surroundings. (一些动物具有专门的色素细胞,使它们能够与周围融为一体。)
- She used a combination of pigments to achieve the perfect color for her painting. (她使用了多种颜料的组合,以获得她绘画所需的完美色彩。)
- The pigment in his hair gives it a unique silver hue. (他头发中的色素赋予了它独特的银色色调。)
- These pigments are not suitable for use in food products. (这些颜料不适合用于食品产品中。)
- The pigment in the bird's feathers gives it its vibrant blue color. (鸟羽毛中的色素赋予了它鲜艳的蓝色。)
- She created a beautiful sunset scene using warm pigments and soft brushstrokes. (她使用温暖的颜料和柔和的笔触创作了一幅美丽的日落场景。)
- The pigment in the plant's leaves changes with the seasons. (植物叶子中的色素随季节而变化。)
- He studied the chemical properties of different pigments in his laboratory. (他在实验室中研究了不同颜料的化学性质。)
- The artist experimented with various pigments to find the perfect combination for her artwork. (艺术家尝试了各种颜料,以找到她作品的完美组合。)
- The pigments used in this paint are non-toxic and environmentally friendly. (这种颜料中使用的颜料无毒且环保。)
- The pigment cells in the reptile's skin allow it to change color to match its surroundings. (爬行动物皮肤中的色素细胞使其能够改变颜色以与周围环境相匹配。)