- 热狗(hot dog)
- 小个子,个子矮小的人(short or small person)
- 胆小鬼(coward)
- 微小的,小型的(tiny or small in size)
- 胆小的,懦弱的(cowardly)
wee, tiny, small, little, puny
brave, courageous, fearless
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
weenie (noun)
- A weenie is a hot dog.
- If you call someone a weenie, you are saying in a disrespectful way that you think that the person is weak and lacks confidence.
weenie (adjective)
- Weenie is used to describe something that is very small.
- If you describe someone as weenie, you mean that they are weak and lack confidence.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
weenie (noun)
- A child's word for a sausage.
- North American informal: A person who is regarded as weak, especially one who is unwilling to take risks or participate in activities regarded as challenging.
weenie (adjective)
- North American informal: Very small.
- North American informal: Weak, lacking confidence or courage.
- He enjoyed eating a weenie at the baseball game.(他在棒球比赛上喜欢吃热狗。)
- Don't be such a weenie, stand up for yourself!(别那么胆小,为自己争取!)
- The toy car is so weeny, it fits in the palm of your hand.(这辆玩具车太小了,可以放在手掌上。)
- She's too weenie to try new things.(她太胆小,不敢尝试新事物。)
- I want a weenie with mustard and ketchup.(我想要一根加了芥末和番茄酱的热狗。)
- Don't be such a weenie, just give it a try.(别那么胆小,试一试嘛。)
- The baby's fingers are so weeny!(宝宝的手指好小!)
- He's too weenie to confront his fears.(他太懦弱了,无法面对自己的恐惧。)
- She ordered a plate of weenies for the party.(她为派对订购了一盘热狗。)
- Stop being such a weenie and take a risk for once.(别再那么胆小了,冒险一次吧。)
- The weenie puppy fit in the palm of my hand.(这只小狗可以放在我的手掌上。)
- He's too weenie to speak up in front of a crowd.(他太胆小,不敢在人群面前发言。)
- She cut the weenies into small pieces for the children.(她把热狗切成小块给孩子们吃。)
- Don't be such a weenie, just jump off the diving board!(别那么胆小,就从跳板上跳下去!)
- The weenie plant barely grew.(这棵小小的植物几乎没长大。)
- He's too weenie to try anything new.(他太胆小,不敢尝试新事物。)
- The weenie car was perfect for driving in the city.(这辆小车在城市里开非常合适。)
- Don't be such a weenie, it's just a little spider.(别那么胆小,只是一只小蜘蛛而已。)
- The weenie kitten could fit in the palm of my hand.(这只小小的小猫可以放在我的手掌上。)
- He's too weenie to confront his boss about the issue.(他太懦弱了,无法与老板就这个问题进行对抗。)
- She ordered a tray of weenies for the party.(她为派对订购了一盘热狗。)
- Stop being such a weenie and face your fears.(别再那么胆小了,面对你的恐惧吧。)
- The weenie tree only grew a few inches.(这棵小小的树只长了几英寸。)
- He's too weenie to perform in front of an audience.(他太胆小,不敢在观众面前表演。)