1. (神经病学) 维尼克区 (Wernicke's area)
2. (医学) 维尼克性脑病 (Wernicke's encephalopathy)
1. 维尼克性的 (Wernickean)
词语辨析(Word Differentiation)
Wernicke's area vs. Broca's area
词汇扩充(Vocabulary Expansion)
维尼克病(Wernicke's disease)、维尼克性昏迷(Wernicke's coma)、维尼克区损伤(Wernicke's area lesion)、维尼克性脑退化(Wernicke's neurodegeneration)。
维尼克区:语言区(language area)
维尼克性脑病:维生素B1缺乏病(vitamin B1 deficiency)、酒精性维生素B1缺乏病(alcoholic Wernicke's encephalopathy)
维尼克区:非语言区(non-language area)
维尼克性脑病:非维生素B1缺乏病(non-vitamin B1 deficiency)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
Wernicke's area: A region of the cerebral cortex of the dominant hemisphere, usually the left, located in the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus, and involved in speech comprehension.
Wernicke's encephalopathy: A neurological disorder caused by a deficiency of thiamine, characterized by ataxia, mental confusion, and abnormal eye movements.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
Wernicke's area: An area of the brain (in the dominant cerebral hemisphere in the left posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus) linked with the understanding of spoken and written language.
Wernicke's encephalopathy: A neurological disorder caused by thiamine deficiency, typically associated with chronic alcoholism and characterized by confusion, abnormal eye movements, and unsteadiness.
维尼克区是以德国医生卡尔·维尼克(Carl Wernicke)的名字命名的。
相关例句(Example Sentences)
- Damage to Wernicke's area can result in language comprehension difficulties. (伤害维尼克区会导致语言理解困难。)
- Patients with Wernicke's encephalopathy may exhibit confusion and abnormal eye movements. (患有维尼克性脑病的患者可能会表现出混乱和眼球运动异常。)
- The study investigated the relationship between Wernicke's area and language processing. (这项研究调查了维尼克区与语言处理的关系。)
- Chronic alcoholism can lead to Wernicke's encephalopathy due to thiamine deficiency. (慢性酗酒可以导致因为维生素B1缺乏而发生维尼克性脑病。)
- Her speech difficulties were attributed to a lesion in Wernicke's area. (她的言语困难被归因于维尼克区的损伤。)
- The patient's symptoms were consistent with a diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (患者的症状与维尼克性脑病的诊断一致。)
- Damage to Wernicke's area can result in fluent aphasia. (维尼克区损伤会导致流利性失语。)
- Alcohol abuse can increase the risk of developing Wernicke's encephalopathy. (酗酒可以增加患上维尼克性脑病的风险。)
- Wernickean aphasia is characterized by fluent, but nonsensical speech. (维尼克性失语以流利但无意义的言语为特点。)
- The patient's condition deteriorated due to Wernicke's disease. (患者的病情因维尼克病而恶化。)
- Thiamine supplementation can help prevent Wernicke's encephalopathy. (补充维生素B1可以帮助预防维尼克性脑病。)
- The Wernickean features of the patient's speech indicated damage to language processing areas. (患者言语中的维尼克性特征表明了语言处理区域的损伤。)
- The patient's cognitive impairment was consistent with a diagnosis of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (患者的认知障碍与维尼克性脑病的诊断一致。)
- Lesions in Wernicke's area can lead to difficulties in understanding spoken language. (维尼克区的损伤会导致理解口语的困难。)
- The Wernickean symptoms resolved with thiamine treatment. (维生素B1治疗后,维尼克性症状得到缓解。)
- Chronic alcohol abuse can result in the development of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (长期酗酒会导致维尼克性脑病的发生。)
- The patient's comprehension difficulties were attributed to a Wernicke's area lesion. (患者的理解困难归因于维尼克区的损伤。)
- The neurologist diagnosed the patient with Wernicke's encephalopathy based on the presenting symptoms. (神经学家根据患者的症状诊断出维尼克性脑病。)
- The Wernickean features of the patient's speech indicated a language processing disorder. (患者言语中的维尼克性特征表明了语言处理障碍。)
- Thiamine deficiency is a common cause of Wernicke's encephalopathy. (维生素B1缺乏是维尼克性脑病的常见原因。)
- The patient's lack of comprehension indicated dysfunction in Wernicke's area. (患者理解能力的缺乏表明维尼克区的功能障碍。)