xtra [ɛkstrə]1. 额外的;附加的
例句:She ordered an xtra large pizza for the party.(她为派对订购了一个特大号的比萨。)
xtra [ɛkstrə]1. 额外的事物;附加物
例句:The company offers xtras like free gym membership to its employees.(该公司为员工提供免费健身房会员等额外福利。)
1. I need xtra time to finish my work.(我需要额外的时间来完成我的工作。) 2. Can I get an extra copy of the report?(我能再要一份报告副本吗?)词汇扩充
additional, supplementary, bonus, extra反义词
regular, standard, basic柯林斯词典
xtra名词 1. 额外的事物;附加物
xtra形容词 1. 额外的;附加的 名词 1. 额外的事物;附加物
1. Would you like an xtra scoop of ice cream on your sundae?你的圣代冰淇淋上再加一勺吗? 2. The movie comes with xtras like behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with the cast.
这部电影有一些额外的内容,比如幕后花絮和演员的采访。 3. We offer xtra services such as free Wi-Fi and complimentary breakfast.
我们提供额外的服务,比如免费Wi-Fi和免费早餐。 4. Don't forget to bring your xtras like swimsuits and sunscreen for the beach trip.
去海滩旅行时别忘了带上泳衣和防晒霜等附加物品。 5. The deluxe package includes xtra features like a spa treatment and access to the private lounge.
6. The store is offering an xtra 20% off on all clearance items this weekend.这家商店本周末在所有清仓商品上额外打八折。 7. The company provides xtra training for employees who want to develop their skills further.
公司为希望进一步提升技能的员工提供额外的培训。 8. The jacket has xtra padding in the shoulders for added protection.
这件夹克在肩膀处有额外的填料,以增加保护。 9. The goal was scored in the xtra time of the match.
这个进球是在比赛的额外时间内打进的。 10. The concert tickets sold out quickly, but they released some xtra ones due to high demand.
11. The xtra charge for the upgrade is $20.升级的额外费用为20美元。 12. The hotel offers an xtra service where they can arrange airport transfers for guests.
酒店提供一项额外服务,可以为客人安排机场接送。 13. He always puts in xtra effort to make sure his work is of the highest quality.
他总是付出额外的努力,以确保他的工作是最高质量的。 14. The company provides xtra benefits like health insurance and retirement plans for its employees.
公司为员工提供像健康保险和退休计划等额外福利。 15. The team needs to practice xtra hours to prepare for the upcoming tournament.
16. The xtra large coffee comes with a free refill.特大杯咖啡配有免费续杯。 17. The dress is available in xtra small, small, medium, and large sizes.
这件连衣裙有特小号、小号、中号和大号可供选择。 18. The magazine includes xtra features like exclusive interviews and bonus articles.
这本杂志包含独家采访和额外的文章等特别内容。 19. The restaurant offers an xtra spicy version of their famous dish.
这家餐厅提供他们著名菜品的超辣版本。 20. The package tour includes xtra activities like hiking and snorkeling.