yayoi (形容词)
1. yayoi(形容词)- 指日本古代的一种文化或艺术风格,尤指公元前300年至公元3世纪之间的古代日本文化。
例句:The pottery of the Yayoi period is known for its distinctive style.(yayoi时期的陶器以其独特的风格而闻名。)
yayoi (名词)
1. yayoi(名词)- 公元前300年至公元3世纪之间的古代日本时期,以其特有的陶器和农业社会结构而闻名。
例句:The Yayoi period marked a significant shift in Japanese history.(yayoi时期标志着日本历史的重大转折。)
yayoi 与 jomon 的区别
- jomon(繩文)- 公元前14,000年至公元前300年之间的旧石器时代晚期,以其精美的陶器和狩猎采集的生活方式而闻名。
- yayoi(弥生)- 公元前300年至公元3世纪之间的新石器时代晚期,以其农业社会结构和进步的陶器技术而闻名。
- 弥生时期(Yayoi period)
- 弥生文化(Yayoi culture)
- 弥生时代的陶器(pottery of the Yayoi period)
- 弥生时代的农业(agriculture of the Yayoi period)
- 弥生文化(Yayoi culture)
- 江户时代(Edo period)
- 平安时代(Heian period)
1. Yayoi (名词) - 公元前300年至公元3世纪之间的古代日本时期,以其特有的陶器和农业社会结构而闻名。
1. Yayoi (名词) - 公元前300年至公元3世纪之间的古代日本时期,以其特有的陶器和农业社会结构而闻名。
- Yayoi period is an important era in Japanese history.
- The Yayoi culture influenced the development of ancient Japan.
- The pottery of the Yayoi period is characterized by its unique style and techniques.
- Archaeologists have discovered many artifacts from the Yayoi period.
1. The Yayoi period marked the transition from a hunter-gatherer society to an agricultural society.(弥生时期标志着从狩猎采集社会向农业社会的转变。)
2. Yayoi culture had a significant impact on the development of ancient Japan.(弥生文化对古代日本的发展产生了重大影响。)
3. The Yayoi people were skilled potters and their pottery is highly admired.(弥生人是熟练的陶工,他们的陶器备受赞赏。)
4. Many Yayoi artifacts have been excavated from archaeological sites.(许多弥生文物已经在考古遗址上被发掘出来。)
5. The Yayoi period is often studied by historians and archaeologists.(历史学家和考古学家经常研究弥生时期。)
6. The Yayoi people introduced wet rice cultivation to Japan.(弥生人将水稻种植引入日本。)
7. Yayoi pottery is known for its intricate designs and decorative patterns.(弥生陶器以其复杂的设计和装饰图案而闻名。)
8. The Yayoi period saw the emergence of social hierarchy and complex agricultural practices.(弥生时期见证了社会等级制度的形成和复杂的农业实践。)
9. The Yayoi period is named after the Yayoi district in Tokyo where its artifacts were first discovered.(弥生时期以其文物最早被发现的东京弥生地区命名。)
10. Yayoi culture is often compared to Jomon culture, which preceded it.(弥生文化常常与其之前的繩文文化进行比较。)
11. The Yayoi period is characterized by the introduction of bronze and iron tools.(弥生时期以铜和铁制工具的引入为特征。)
12. Yayoi villages were typically organized around agricultural activities.(弥生村落通常以农业活动为中心组织。)
13. The Yayoi period is an important part of Japan's cultural heritage.(弥生时期是日本文化遗产的重要组成部分。)
14. The Yayoi people had a complex belief system that included worship of nature and ancestral spirits.(弥生人有一个复杂的信仰体系,包括对自然和祖先灵魂的崇拜。)
15. Yayoi artifacts provide valuable insights into ancient Japanese society and culture.(弥生文物为我们提供了有关古代日本社会和文化的宝贵见解。)
16. The Yayoi period saw the development of trade networks and the exchange of goods with neighboring regions.(弥生时期见证了贸易网络的发展和与邻近地区的物品交流。)
17. Yayoi rice cultivation techniques revolutionized agricultural practices in Japan.(弥生的种植稻米技术在日本革新了农业实践。)
18. The Yayoi period is known for its advancements in pottery production and techniques.(弥生时期以其陶器生产和技术的进步而闻名。)
19. Yayoi settlements were often located near rivers and fertile lands for agricultural purposes.(弥生定居点常常位于靠近河流和肥沃土地的地方,以便进行农业活动。)
20. The Yayoi period saw the emergence of social stratification and the development of complex societies.(弥生时期见证了社会分层的出现和复杂社会的发展。)