1. 粗鲁的;无教养的;野蛮的
2. 愚蠢的;无聊的
1. 小混混;恶霸
2. 年轻的无赖;街头混混
yobbish (adj.):粗鲁的;无教养的
yobbishly (adv.):粗鲁地;无礼地
yobbishness (n.):粗鲁;无礼
1. If you describe someone as a yob, you are critical of them because they behave in a very rude, noisy, and violent way.
2. If you describe something as yob, you mean that it is very ugly or tasteless.
1. If you describe someone, especially a young person, as a yob, you are critical of them because they behave in a very rude, noisy, and violent way.
2. If you describe something as yob, you mean that it is very ugly or tasteless.
1. A boy or young man who is noisy, rude, and possibly violent.
2. A person who behaves or dresses in a way that is considered very vulgar or tasteless.
1. The police arrested several yobs after the football match.
2. He's always causing trouble and acting like a yob.
1. The yob shouted and swore at the passers-by. (这个流氓对着过路人大喊大叫并乱骂。)
2. The yobbish behavior of the teenagers on the bus annoyed the other passengers. (公交车上那些青少年的无礼行为惹恼了其他乘客。)
3. The group of yobs vandalized the park, breaking benches and littering the area. (那群小混混破坏了公园,打砸长椅并乱丢垃圾。)
4. He's always causing trouble and acting like a yob. (他总是惹麻烦,表现得像个小混混。)
5. The yob shouted abuse at the shopkeeper and threatened him with violence. (那个流氓对着店主辱骂并威胁要动手。)
6. The yobish behavior of the group ruined the peaceful atmosphere of the neighborhood. (这群人的粗鲁行为破坏了社区的和平氛围。)
7. The concert was ruined by a group of yobs who started a fight in the crowd. (一群小混混在观众中打架,毁了音乐会的气氛。)
8. She couldn't stand the yobbish comments made by her classmates. (她无法忍受同学们的无礼评论。)
9. The yobishness of the party decorations made the event look tacky. (派对装饰的粗俗让这个活动显得俗气。)
10. The yob behavior exhibited by the fans led to the cancellation of the match. (球迷们表现出的流氓行为导致比赛取消。)
11. The yob youth gang was responsible for a series of burglaries in the area. (一伙小混混青年在该地区犯下了一系列入室盗窃案。)
12. The yobs loitered outside the school, intimidating the students. (那些流氓在学校外闲逛,恐吓学生。)
13. The yobbish taste in fashion displayed by some celebrities is often criticized by the media. (一些名人展示的粗俗时尚品味常受到媒体的批评。)
14. The yob's aggressive behavior scared the elderly lady. (流氓的侵略行为吓到了那位老太太。)
15. The yobbishness of his jokes made everyone uncomfortable. (他的笑话粗俗无礼,让每个人都感到不舒服。)
16. The yobs caused a disturbance outside the nightclub, leading to the intervention of the bouncers. (小混混在夜总会外制造骚乱,导致保安人员出面干预。)
17. The school implemented measures to deal with yobbish behavior among students. (学校采取措施应对学生之间的无礼行为。)
18. The yobish attitude of the customer towards the service staff resulted in his removal from the establishment. (顾客对服务人员的粗鲁态度导致他被请离该场所。)
19. The yob youth gang was notorious for their involvement in criminal activities. (那个小混混青年团伙以参与犯罪活动而声名狼藉。)
20. The yobs were arrested for starting a brawl at the football match. (那些流氓因在足球比赛中引发斗殴被逮捕。)