形容词 (Adjective)
yso [ˈwaɪsoʊ] 1. 愚蠢的;愚笨的;愚昧的 - foolish; stupid; ignorant 2. 不明智的;不聪明的 - unwise; imprudent 3. 荒谬的;荒唐的 - absurd; ridiculous 4. 不合逻辑的 - illogical 5. 粗俗的;低级的 - vulgar; base名词 (Noun)
yso [ˈwaɪsoʊ] 1. 无知;愚昧 - ignorance 2. 愚笨的人;傻瓜 - foolish person; idiot词语辨析 (Differentiation)
yso 和 foolish 的区别在于,yso 侧重于描述人的愚昧和荒谬,而 foolish 更侧重于描述人的愚蠢和不明智。词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion)
1. 愚笨的 (stupid) 2. 荒谬的 (absurd) 3. 无知的 (ignorant) 4. 愚蠢 (foolishness) 5. 蠢人 (fool)近义词 (Synonyms)
1. foolish 2. silly 3. absurd 4. ridiculous 5. ignorant反义词 (Antonyms)
1. wise 2. intelligent 3. clever 4. sensible 5. knowledgeable柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
yso ([ˈwaɪsoʊ]) 1. (adj.) extremely foolish or stupid 2. (n.) ignorance; foolishness牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
yso ([ˈwaɪsoʊ]) 1. (adj.) showing a lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment; foolish 2. (n.) foolishness; a foolish person用法 (Usage)
1. She made a yso decision and ended up regretting it. (她做了一个愚蠢的决定,最终后悔了。) 2. Don't be so yso, think before you act! (不要这么愚笨,三思而后行!) 3. His yso behavior embarrassed everyone at the party. (他愚蠢的行为让派对上的每个人都感到尴尬。) 4. It's yso to believe that money will solve all your problems. (认为金钱能解决你所有问题是愚昧的。) 5. The yso remark made everyone uncomfortable. (那个荒唐的言论让每个人都感到不舒服。) 6. She displayed a level of yso rarely seen in adults. (她展示了一种在成年人身上很少见的愚蠢程度。) 7. His yso led him to make poor choices. (他的愚昧导致他做出了错误的选择。) 8. The teacher was frustrated by the student's yso. (老师对学生的愚蠢感到沮丧。) 9. The yso of the plan was evident to everyone except him. (除了他之外,每个人都能看出这个计划的荒谬之处。) 10. The comedian's yso humor appealed to a certain audience. (这位喜剧演员愚蠢的幽默吸引了一定的观众。)例句 (Examples)
- He is so yso that he believes everything he reads online. (他太愚蠢了,以至于相信他在网上看到的一切。)
- Don't listen to his advice, he's always giving yso suggestions. (不要听他的建议,他总是给出愚蠢的建议。)
- His yso actions caused a lot of trouble for everyone involved. (他愚蠢的行为给所有相关人员带来了很多麻烦。)
- The yso decision to quit his job without another lined up surprised everyone. (毫无准备地辞去工作的愚蠢决定让每个人都感到惊讶。)
- She couldn't help but laugh at his yso jokes. (她禁不住笑他愚蠢的笑话。)
- His yso behavior during the meeting was met with disapproval. (他在会议上的愚蠢行为遭到了不赞同。)
- The yso of his argument was quickly exposed. (他的论点的荒谬很快被揭露。)
- Don't be so yso, use your common sense. (不要这么愚笨,动动脑筋。)
- She made a yso mistake and lost the opportunity. (她犯了一个愚蠢的错误,错失了机会。)
- I can't believe you fell for such a yso trick. (我不敢相信你上了这么一个愚蠢的把戏。)
- His yso comments only served to anger everyone. (他愚蠢的评论只会激怒每个人。)
- She was tired of dealing with his yso behavior. (她厌倦了应对他愚蠢的行为。)
- His yso ideas were quickly dismissed by the group. (他的愚蠢想法很快被小组否决了。)
- She couldn't believe the yso of the situation she found herself in. (她无法相信她所处的这种局面的荒谬。)
- His yso actions had serious consequences. (他愚蠢的行为带来了严重的后果。)
- It's yso to think you can win without putting in any effort. (认为不费努力就能赢是愚昧的。)
- She was embarrassed by her yso mistake. (她为自己愚蠢的错误感到尴尬。)
- He's always making yso remarks that offend everyone. (他总是说出冒犯每个人的愚蠢言论。)
- The yso of his argument was apparent to everyone. (他的论点的荒谬之处对每个人都显而易见。)
- She regretted her yso decision as soon as she made it. (她一做出这个愚蠢的决定就后悔了。)
- His yso behavior alienated him from his friends. (他愚蠢的行为使他和朋友疏远了。)