Pons Varolii refers to the specific part of the brainstem that connects the upper and lower parts of the brain.
Pons Varolii 指的是连接大脑上下部分的脑干特定部分。
Pontine is an adjective derived from “pons,” referring to anything related to the pons area of the brain.
Pontine 是从“pons”派生的形容词,指与脑桥区域相关的任何事物。
Bridge - a structure that connects two points.
桥 - 连接两个点的结构。
Gap - a space or interval that separates.
间隙 - 使分开的空间或间隔。
According to Collins Dictionary, “pons” is defined as the part of the brainstem that connects the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum.
Oxford Dictionary defines “pons” as a structure in the brain that links different parts of the nervous system.
The pons plays a crucial role in regulating sleep.
脑桥 在调节睡眠中起着关键作用。
Damage to the pons can lead to severe neurological issues.
The pons serves as a communication bridge between the cerebellum and the cerebral cortex.
脑桥 充当小脑和大脑皮层之间的通信桥梁。
During a brain scan, the pons is easily identifiable.
在脑部扫描中,脑桥 很容易被识别。
The pons contains nuclei that are important for facial sensations.
脑桥 含有对面部感觉至关重要的神经核。
Research shows that the pons is involved in regulating emotions.
研究表明,脑桥 参与调节情绪。
The structure of the pons is essential for motor control.
脑桥 的结构对运动控制至关重要。
Neuroscientists study the pons to understand brain connectivity.
In stroke patients, damage to the pons can affect speech.
在中风患者中,脑桥 的损伤可能会影响语言能力。
The pons is located above the medulla oblongata.
脑桥 位于延髓之上。
Understanding the pons can help in diagnosing brain disorders.
理解脑桥 有助于诊断脑部疾病。
Certain reflex actions are mediated by the pons.
某些反射动作由脑桥 介导。
Imaging studies reveal the pons in high detail.
成像研究显示出脑桥 的高细节。
The pons helps coordinate movement between the left and right sides of the body.
脑桥 有助于协调身体左右两侧的运动。
In medical education, the pons is a critical topic.
在医学教育中,脑桥 是一个重要的主题。
Students often compare the pons with other brain structures.
学生们常常将脑桥 与其他脑结构进行比较。
In certain conditions, the pons may show signs of swelling.
在某些情况下,脑桥 可能会出现肿胀的迹象。
Neurons in the pons are vital for sensory processing.
脑桥 中的神经元对感觉处理至关重要。
Clinical studies often examine the functionality of the pons.
临床研究通常检查脑桥 的功能性。