- 天文学中的“土星”:太阳系的第六颗行星。
- 罗马神话中的“萨图尔努斯”:农业和时间的神。
- Saturnian:土星的,土星相关的
- Saturnalia:古罗马的节日,庆祝丰收的节日
在天文学中,“Saturn”没有直接的近义词,但在描述行星时可以使用“gas giant”(气体巨星)作为相关描述。
在天文学中没有直接的反义词,但在描述其他类型的行星时,可以提到“terrestrial planet”(类地行星),如地球、火星等。
Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and is known for its stunning rings, which are made of ice and rock particles.土星是距离太阳第六颗行星,以其令人惊叹的环而闻名,这些环由冰和岩石颗粒组成。
The Saturn V rocket was used by NASA during the Apollo missions to transport astronauts to the Moon.土星五号火箭是NASA在阿波罗任务中用于将宇航员送往月球的火箭。
In Roman mythology, Saturn was revered as the god of agriculture and wealth.在罗马神话中,萨图尔努斯被尊崇为农业和财富之神。
The rings of Saturn are made up of billions of particles that range in size from tiny grains to massive boulders.土星的环由数十亿个颗粒组成,颗粒的大小从微小的粒子到巨大的岩石不等。
Many astronomers use telescopes to study the atmosphere of Saturn and its moons.许多天文学家使用望远镜研究土星及其卫星的氛围。
The planet Saturn takes about 29.5 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun.土星绕太阳公转一周大约需要29.5个地球年。
During the Saturnalia festival, social norms were overturned, allowing slaves to be treated as equals.在土星节期间,社会规范被颠覆,奴隶被允许被视为平等。
One of the most fascinating features of Saturn is its enormous storm systems, which can be seen from Earth.土星最迷人的特点之一是其巨大的风暴系统,可以从地球上看到。
Scientists are constantly researching the possibility of life on moons like Titan, which orbits Saturn.科学家们不断研究像土卫六这样的卫星上存在生命的可能性,它环绕着土星。
Saturn's magnetic field is about 580 times more powerful than that of Earth.土星的磁场是地球的580倍强大。
The ancient Romans celebrated a festival in honor of Saturn, which marked the end of the harvest season.古罗马人庆祝一个节日以纪念土星,这标志着丰收季节的结束。
Many images of Saturn show its beautiful rings against the backdrop of space.许多土星的图像展示了其美丽的环与太空背景的对比。
Astrobiologists are particularly interested in Saturn's moon Enceladus, which shows signs of subsurface oceans.天体生物学家特别感兴趣于土星的卫星恩克拉多斯,后者显示出次表面海洋的迹象。
The discovery of new moons around Saturn continues to excite astronomers around the world.土星周围新卫星的发现继续让全世界的天文学家感到兴奋。
Saturn has a unique appearance, with its bright rings and pale yellow hue.土星有着独特的外观,明亮的环和淡黄色的色调。
Many science fiction stories feature Saturn as a central location for space exploration.许多科幻故事以土星作为太空探索的中心地点。
Saturn's atmosphere is primarily made up of hydrogen and helium, giving it a distinct look.土星的大气主要由氢和氦组成,使其具有独特的形态。
Studying Saturn helps scientists understand the formation and evolution of gas giants in our solar system.研究土星有助于科学家理解气体巨星在我们太阳系中的形成和演化。