“thus” 英汉词典内容
“thus” 是一个副词,主要用于表示因果关系或推论。它在句子中通常表示“因此”、“如此”或“这样”。
“thus” 主要作为副词使用,没有形容词或名词的不同含义。
“thus” 与 “therefore” 和 “consequently” 相似,均表示因果关系。区别在于,“thus” 更强调方式或结果,而 “therefore” 更强调逻辑推理。
thus: 因此,这样
therefore: 因此,所以
consequently: 因而,因此
hence: 因此,从而
nevertheless: 尽管如此
nonetheless: 仍然
“thus” 通常用于正式或书面语中,表示因果关系,或总结前面的论述。
He studied hard for the exam, thus he passed with flying colors.
他为考试努力学习,因此 他顺利通过了考试。
The weather was terrible, thus the event was canceled.
天气很糟糕,因此 活动被取消了。
She was the best candidate for the job, thus she got hired.
她是这个职位的最佳候选人,因此 她被录用了。
The company reported a loss last year, thus they had to make cutbacks.
公司去年报告亏损,因此 他们不得不削减开支。
He had a serious injury, thus he could not participate in the game.
他受了重伤,因此 他无法参加比赛。
The instructions were unclear, thus many people got confused.
说明不清楚,因此 很多人感到困惑。
She saved a lot of money, thus she was able to buy a new car.
她存了很多钱,因此 她能够买一辆新车。
The project was well-researched, thus it received funding.
这个项目研究得很透彻,因此 它获得了资金支持。
The team worked overtime, thus they finished the project ahead of schedule.
团队加班工作,因此 他们提前完成了项目。
The movie received great reviews, thus it became a box office hit.
这部电影得到了很好的评价,因此 它成为了票房热门。
The research results were promising, thus further studies are planned.
研究结果很有前景,因此 计划进行进一步的研究。
The lectures were engaging, thus students showed great interest.
讲座很吸引人,因此 学生们表现出了极大的兴趣。
He forgot his umbrella, thus he got wet in the rain.
他忘记带伞,因此 他在雨中淋湿了。
They missed the last train, thus they had to take a taxi home.
他们错过了最后一班火车,因此 他们不得不打车回家。
Her performance was outstanding, thus she received a standing ovation.
她的表演出色,因此 她获得了观众的起立鼓掌。
The software was updated frequently, thus it remained secure.
这个软件经常更新,因此 它保持了安全性。
The team collaborated effectively, thus they achieved their goals.
团队合作有效,因此 他们达成了目标。
The food was delicious, thus the restaurant received great reviews.
食物很好吃,因此 餐馆得到了很好的评价。
He was late to the meeting, thus he missed important discussions.
他开会迟到了,因此 他错过了重要的讨论。
The conference was well-organized, thus it attracted many attendees.
会议组织得很好,因此 吸引了很多与会者。