“adrc”并不是一个常见的英语单词,因此在标准的词典中并无明确的定义。可能是某个特定领域的缩略词或品牌。若您指的是“ADRC”作为某个机构或组织的名称,它可能代表“Advanced Disaster Recovery Center”,即“先进灾难恢复中心”。
The **ADRC** provides resources for disaster management.
**ADRC** 提供灾难管理的资源。
Many countries collaborate with the **ADRC** to enhance their recovery plans.
许多国家与 **ADRC** 合作,以增强他们的恢复计划。
The **ADRC's** mission is to improve disaster resilience.
**ADRC** 的使命是提高灾难恢复能力。
After the earthquake, the **ADRC** played a crucial role in the recovery efforts.
在地震之后,**ADRC** 在恢复工作中发挥了关键作用。
The **ADRC** organizes training sessions for local officials.
**ADRC** 为地方官员组织培训课程。
Volunteers from the **ADRC** helped rebuild homes after the disaster.
来自 **ADRC** 的志愿者在灾后帮助重建房屋。
The **ADRC** focuses on sharing best practices in disaster recovery.
**ADRC** 专注于分享灾难恢复中的最佳实践。
Funding from the government supports the **ADRC** initiatives.
政府的资金支持 **ADRC** 的各项计划。
Community engagement is a priority for the **ADRC**.
社区参与是 **ADRC** 的优先事项。
Research conducted by the **ADRC** is vital for improving response strategies.
**ADRC** 进行的研究对改善应对策略至关重要。
The **ADRC** collaborates with NGOs to provide disaster relief.
**ADRC** 与非政府组织合作提供灾难救援。
Participants in the **ADRC** workshop learned valuable skills.
在 **ADRC** 研讨会上的参与者学到了宝贵的技能。
The **ADRC** emphasizes the importance of preparedness.
**ADRC** 强调准备的重要性。
Outreach programs by the **ADRC** help raise awareness.
**ADRC** 的外展项目有助于提高意识。
Technological advances are incorporated into the **ADRC** recovery plans.
技术进步被纳入 **ADRC** 的恢复计划中。
The **ADRC** conducts assessments to improve disaster response.
**ADRC** 进行评估以改善灾难应对。
Networking with other agencies is essential for the **ADRC**.
与其他机构建立网络对 **ADRC** 至关重要。
Success stories from the **ADRC** inspire others.
来自 **ADRC** 的成功故事激励着他人。
The **ADRC** regularly updates its guidelines for disaster recovery.
**ADRC** 定期更新其灾难恢复指南。
Feedback from communities helps shape the **ADRC** programs.
社区的反馈帮助塑造 **ADRC** 的项目。