artificially [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəli]
- 人工地;非自然地
- 人工地;非自然地
artificial, man-made, synthetic, manufactured
synthetically, unnaturally, falsely, spuriously
naturally, organically
adverb: If something is done artificially, it is done by people, and not by natural processes.
adverb: In a way that is not natural but made by people.
1. The flowers were artificially colored for the exhibition. (这些花朵为了展览被人工染色。)
2. The lake was artificially created by damming the river. (这座湖是通过拦截河流而人工创建的。)
3. The company uses artificially intelligent robots to improve efficiency. (公司使用人工智能机器人来提高效率。)
4. The scientist artificially synthesized the compound in the lab. (科学家在实验室中人工合成了这种化合物。)
5. The trees in the park were artificially pruned to maintain a certain shape. (公园里的树木被人工修剪以保持特定的形状。)
6. The flavor of the drink is artificially sweetened. (这种饮料的味道是人工甜味剂添加的。)
7. The athletes were accused of using artificially enhanced performance enhancers. (这些运动员被指控使用了人工增强的兴奋剂。)
8. The artist artificially aged the painting to give it a vintage look. (艺术家通过人工手段使画作显得年代久远。)
9. The weather was artificially controlled to ensure a successful outdoor event. (为了确保户外活动的成功,天气被人工控制了。)
10. The committee was accused of artificially inflating the prices of the products. (委员会被指控人为抬高产品价格。)
11. The company was found guilty of artificially boosting its sales figures. (公司被发现人为操纵了销售数据。)
12. The flowers in the bouquet were artificially colored to match the wedding theme. (花束中的花朵被人工染色以配合婚礼主题。)
13. The lake's water level is artificially maintained through a system of pumps and valves. (湖泊的水位是通过一套泵和阀门系统人工维持的。)
14. The company produces artificially flavored snacks that are popular among children. (该公司生产的人工调味零食在孩子们中间很受欢迎。)
15. The artist used artificially created textures in his sculpture to evoke a sense of decay. (艺术家在雕塑中使用了人工制作的纹理来唤起一种腐朽感。)
16. The government was accused of artificially manipulating the currency to gain a trade advantage. (政府被指控人为操纵货币以获取贸易优势。)
17. The product's artificially enhanced features failed to impress the consumers. (产品的人工增强功能未能打动消费者。)
18. The animals were fed a diet of artificially formulated pellets. (这些动物被喂养以人工配制的颗粒饲料。)
19. The company was fined for artificially inflating its stock prices. (该公司因人为操纵股价而被罚款。)
20. The company's artificially intelligent chatbot provides customer service 24/7. (公司的人工智能聊天机器人全天候提供客户服务。)