imperturbable [ɪmˈpɜːtɜːbəbl]
英 | ɪmˈpɜːtɜːbəbl | 形容词
- 冷静的;泰然自若的
- 不易动感情的;不易激动的
英 | ɪmˈpɜːtɜːbəbl | 名词
- 冷静的人;泰然自若的人
imperturbable 与 unflappable 的区别在于 unflappable 更强调对困难或压力的不受影响,而 imperturbable 更强调对情绪的保持稳定。
同义词:calm, composed, collected
反义词:agitated, anxious, excitable
- If you describe someone as imperturbable, you mean that they are always calm and do not easily become annoyed or upset.
- Unable to be upset or excited; calm.
He was imperturbable in the face of criticism.
1. She remained imperturbable in the midst of chaos. (她在混乱中保持泰然自若。)
2. His imperturbable demeanor made him a great leader. (他冷静的举止使他成为一名很好的领导。)
3. The teacher's imperturbable attitude helped calm the students during the exam. (老师冷静的态度帮助考试期间的学生冷静下来。)
4. Despite the chaos around her, she remained imperturbable. (尽管周围一片混乱,她仍然泰然自若。)
5. His imperturbable nature made him well-suited for crisis management. (他的冷静性格使他很适合危机处理。)
6. Throughout the ordeal, she remained imperturbable, never showing any sign of fear. (在整个困境中,她一直泰然自若,从未表现出任何害怕的迹象。)
7. The diplomat's imperturbable demeanor helped diffuse the tense situation. (外交官的冷静态度有助于缓和紧张的局势。)
8. His imperturbable response to the criticism surprised everyone. (他对批评的冷静回应让所有人都感到惊讶。)
9. The leader's imperturbable nature inspired confidence in his team. (领导者冷静的性格激发了团队的信心。)
10. She faced the challenge with imperturbable calmness, impressing everyone with her composure. (她以冷静的镇定面对挑战,给所有人留下深刻的印象。)
11. Despite the chaos around him, he remained imperturbable, focused on finding a solution. (尽管周围一片混乱,他仍然泰然自若,专注于寻找解决方案。)
12. The doctor's imperturbable attitude helped reassure the anxious patients. (医生冷静的态度帮助安抚焦虑的患者。)
13. His imperturbable demeanor under pressure earned him the respect of his colleagues. (在压力下保持冷静的态度赢得了同事的尊重。)
14. She faced the difficult situation with imperturbable grace, never once losing her composure. (她以冷静的优雅面对困难的局面,从未失去镇定。)
15. His imperturbable nature was a source of strength for those around him during the crisis. (在危机期间,他的冷静性格是周围人的力量源泉。)
16. The pilot's imperturbable response to the emergency situation saved the lives of everyone on board. (飞行员对紧急情况的冷静回应拯救了机上所有人的生命。)
17. Despite the high stakes, she remained imperturbable, focused on achieving her goal. (尽管风险很高,她仍然泰然自若,专注于实现她的目标。)
18. His imperturbable demeanor in the face of danger inspired confidence in his companions. (在危险面前表现出的冷静态度激发了同伴的信心。)
19. The CEO's imperturbable response to the crisis helped stabilize the company's position in the market. (首席执行官对危机的冷静反应帮助稳定了公司在市场上的地位。)
20. Despite the tense situation, she remained imperturbable, guiding her team with confidence. (尽管形势紧张,她仍然泰然自若,充满信心地指导着她的团队。)