traffic light
- A set of automatically operated colored lights, typically red, amber, and green, for controlling traffic at road junctions and pedestrian crossings.
- A light on the front or back of a vehicle that indicates when it is going to turn left or right or is braking.
- Relating to or denoting a system of signaling by traffic lights.
In addition to "traffic light," other related terms include "stoplight," "signal light," and "traffic signal."
The traffic light turned red, so we had to stop.
In the Collins Dictionary, "traffic light" is defined as a set of colored lights placed at crossroads, junctions, etc., to control the flow of traffic.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, "traffic light" refers to a set of automatically operated colored lights for controlling traffic.
stoplight, signal light, traffic signal
free flow, green light
1. The traffic light turned green, so we could proceed. (交通灯变绿,我们可以前行。)
2. Remember to stop at the traffic light when it turns red. (红灯亮起时记得停下来。)
3. The traffic light system is crucial for maintaining order on the roads. (交通灯系统对于维持道路秩序至关重要。)
4. The car in front of us didn't signal at the traffic light before turning. (我们前面的车在转弯前没有在交通灯前示意。)
5. The traffic light at this intersection is broken, so we need to be extra careful. (这个十字路口的交通灯坏了,所以我们需要特别小心。)
6. The driver ignored the traffic light and ran a red light. (司机无视交通灯,闯了红灯。)
7. The traffic light system in the city is known for its efficiency. (这个城市的交通灯系统以其高效而著称。)
8. The pedestrian waited patiently at the traffic light before crossing the street. (行人在过马路前耐心等待交通灯。)
9. The car's rear traffic light was broken, so it wasn't safe to drive at night. (汽车的后灯坏了,晚上开车不安全。)
10. The traffic light turned yellow, indicating that we should prepare to stop. (交通灯变黄,表示我们应该准备停下来。)
11. The city installed new traffic lights at the busy intersection. (市政府在繁忙的十字路口安装了新的交通灯。)
12. The traffic light sequence allows for smooth traffic flow. (交通灯的顺序有助于交通畅通。)
13. The traffic light was flashing, indicating a malfunction. (交通灯在闪烁,表明出现故障。)
14. The traffic light turned red as a long line of cars approached the intersection. (一长队车辆驶向十字路口时,交通灯变红了。)
15. The city council decided to upgrade all the traffic lights in the downtown area. (市政府决定升级市中心地区的所有交通灯。)
16. The driver slowed down when approaching the traffic light. (司机在接近交通灯时减速。)
17. The traffic light system was synchronized to minimize delays for drivers. (交通灯系统进行了同步以减少司机的延误。)
18. The traffic light at this intersection changes very quickly. (这个十字路口的交通灯变换非常快。)
19. The traffic light turned green, signaling the end of the wait. (交通灯变绿,表示等待结束。)
20. The pedestrian pressed the button to activate the traffic light for crossing the street. (行人按下按钮,启动了过马路的交通灯。)