broken [ˈbrəʊkən]
Broken is the past participle of break.
Having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.
1. The vase fell off the shelf and shattered into broken pieces. (花瓶从架子上掉下来,碎成了碎片。)
2. She was heartbroken when she found out about his broken promises. (当她发现他的诺言被违背时,她心碎了。)
3. The car broke down on the highway and had to be towed to the nearest broken down. (汽车在高速公路上抛锚,不得不被拖到最近的修理厂。)
4. The child cried over the broken toy, not wanting to let it go. (孩子为了损坏的玩具哭了起来,不想放手。)
5. After the broken window was replaced, the room felt much warmer. (玻璃窗户被更换后,房间感觉更温暖。)
6. Their marriage was already on the verge of broken before the affair. (他们的婚姻在这次外遇之前已经摇摇欲坠。)
7. The broken clock on the wall still ticked, but its hands were frozen in place. (墙上的坏掉的时钟仍在滴答作响,但指针已经停在了那里。)
8. The broken bridge had to be closed for repairs after the flood. (洪水过后,这座坏掉的桥梁不得不关闭进行修复。)
9. The old man's voice was broken with emotion as he spoke about his late wife. (老人在谈到已故妻子时,声音因激动而嘶哑。)
10. The broken computer screen needed to be replaced with a new one. (需要用新的计算机屏幕替换那坏掉的屏幕。)
11. She tried to mend their broken relationship, but he was not willing to forgive. (她试图修补他们破裂的关系,但他不愿原谅。)
12. The broken cup lay in pieces on the floor, a casualty of the cat's curiosity. (破碎的杯子散落在地板上,是猫好奇的牺牲品。)
13. The broken promise left a bitter taste in her mouth, making her lose trust in him. (被违背的诺言给她留下了苦涩的滋味,让她失去了对他的信任。)
14. The broken handle on the door had to be fixed before it fell off completely. (门上坏掉的把手必须在完全掉落之前修好。)
15. The broken doll was carefully glued back together by the little girl. (破损的洋娃娃被小女孩小心地粘合在一起。)
16. The broken promise was a stark reminder of his unreliability. (被违背的诺言是他不可靠的鲜明提醒。)
17. She grieved over the broken friendship, wondering where they went wrong. (她为破裂的友谊而悲伤,想知道他们哪里出了错。)
18. The broken road was impassable, so they had to find an alternate route. (坏掉的道路无法通行,所以他们不得不寻找另一条路线。)
19. The broken promise hung over their heads, casting a shadow on their future plans. (被违背的诺言悬在他们头上,给他们的未来计划蒙上了阴影。)
20. The broken window let in a cold draft, chilling the room. (破碎的窗户让冷风灌进来,让房间变得寒冷。)