ministry of foreign affairs
- 外交部
- 外交部的
related words: diplomacy, foreign policy, ambassador
This meeting was organized by the ministry of foreign affairs.
- the government department responsible for a country's dealings with other countries
- the government department in many countries that is responsible for dealing with foreign affairs
1. 中方高度评价柬外交部和柬使馆为促进两国友好与合作所作出的积极努力。
The Chinese side highly appreciates the positive efforts made by the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cambodian Embassy in promoting the friendly cooperation between the two countries.
2. 外交部发言人表示,中方对巴西南部遭遇洪灾表示深切慰问。
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep sympathy for the flood disaster in southern Brazil.
3. 两国外交部将继续保持密切沟通,共同维护地区和平与稳定。
The foreign ministries of the two countries will continue to maintain close communication and jointly uphold regional peace and stability.
4. 韩国外交部称,韩国政府将继续与朝鲜保持对话。
The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the government will continue to engage in dialogue with North Korea.
5. 据外交部消息,两国外长将于下周在联合国总部举行会谈。
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two foreign ministers will hold talks at the United Nations headquarters next week.
6. 外交部发言人表示,中方支持联合国在解决国际问题上发挥重要作用。
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that China supports the important role of the United Nations in resolving international issues.
7. 俄罗斯外交部谴责了这一恐怖袭击事件。
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the terrorist attack.
8. 外交部发言人对国内外媒体对此事进行了回应。
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the domestic and foreign media on this matter.
9. 该国外交部发表了一份声明,呼吁国际社会采取行动。
The country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement calling on the international community to take action.
10. 他们将于明天在外交部举行会谈,商讨双边合作事宜。
They will hold talks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tomorrow to discuss bilateral cooperation matters.
11. 根据外交部的最新消息,双方正就停火协议进行磋商。
According to the latest information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two sides are negotiating a ceasefire agreement.
12. 外交部表示,他们将采取一切必要措施保护本国公民的安全。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that they will take all necessary measures to protect the safety of their citizens.
13. 外交部发表声明,谴责这一暴力行为。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement condemning this act of violence.
14. 他们在外交部的会议上讨论了双边关系的重要议题。
They discussed important issues related to bilateral relations at the meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
15. 外交部已经就此次事件发布了一份公开声明。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a public statement on this incident.
16. 他们将与外交部的代表就协议的具体条款进行讨论。
They will discuss the specific terms of the agreement with representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
17. 外交部的官员表示,他们将尽快解决这一外交问题。
Officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that they will resolve this diplomatic issue as soon as possible.
18. 外交部要求各国驻华使馆协助处理此事。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested that embassies of various countries in China assist in handling this matter.
19. 据外交部通报,双方已就此事进行了沟通并取得了一些进展。
According to the briefing from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the two sides have communicated on this matter and made some progress.
20. 外交部对此次国际合作项目表示支持,并将提供必要的协助。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed support for this international cooperation project and will provide necessary assistance.