中英词典 - savedata
1. 保存数据(savedata)保存在计算机或其他存储设备上的数据。
2. 存档(savedata)
3. 数据存储(savedata)
1. 保存的(saved)表示数据已被成功保存的状态。
1. 保存数据(savedata) vs. 存档(savedata)这两个词都表示将数据保存到存储介质中,但“保存数据”更常用于一般的数据存储,而“存档”通常用于电子游戏中保存游戏进度。
1. 存储(storage)指将数据存储在计算机或其他设备中的过程。
2. 记录(record)
1. 数据备份(data backup)指将数据复制到另一个位置以防止数据丢失的过程。
2. 数据存储(data storage)
1. 数据丢失(data loss)指由于某种原因导致数据无法恢复或永久丢失的情况。
savedata (noun)
- data that is saved on a computer or other storage device.
savedata (noun)
- data saved on a computer or other storage device.
- I need to back up my savedata before formatting the hard drive. (我需要在格式化硬盘之前备份我的数据。)
- Make sure to save your progress in the game. The savedata is important. (确保在游戏中保存你的进度。存档很重要。)
- The program automatically creates a savedata file after each session. (该程序会在每次会话后自动创建一个存档文件。)
- He accidentally deleted his savedata and lost all his game progress. (他不小心删除了他的存档,丢失了所有游戏进度。)
- Please remember to save your work regularly to avoid losing savedata. (请定期保存你的工作,以避免丢失存档。)
- The savedata can be transferred to another device for backup purposes. (存档可以转移到另一个设备进行备份。)
- She was devastated when her savedata got corrupted and couldn't be recovered. (她的存档损坏了,无法恢复,她感到非常沮丧。)
- Before reinstalling the software, make sure to back up the savedata. (在重新安装软件之前,请确保备份存档。)
- He lost all his savedata due to a computer crash. (由于计算机崩溃,他丢失了所有存档。)
- The savedata size of this game is quite large. (这个游戏的存档大小相当大。)
- Remember to save your progress in the game by selecting "Save" from the menu. (请记住,在菜单中选择“保存”来保存你在游戏中的进度。)
- Her savedata was corrupted and couldn't be recovered, so she had to start the game from the beginning. (她的存档损坏了,无法恢复,所以她不得不从头开始游戏。)
- The savedata is stored in a separate folder on your computer. (存档保存在计算机的一个单独文件夹中。)
- You should regularly back up your savedata to avoid losing important files. (你应该定期备份存档,以避免丢失重要文件。)
- After reinstalling the game, I was relieved to find that my savedata was still intact. (重新安装游戏后,我松了一口气,发现我的存档仍然完好无损。)
- He accidentally deleted the wrong savedata and had to start the game all over again. (他不小心删除了错误的存档,不得不重新开始游戏。)
- It is important to regularly save your progress in the game to prevent losing savedata. (定期保存游戏进度是重要的,以防止丢失存档。)
- The savedata file can be transferred to another computer for easy access. (存档文件可以转移到另一台计算机上以便轻松访问。)
- She forgot to save her progress in the game and lost all her savedata. (她忘记保存游戏进度,丢失了所有存档。)
- Make sure to make a backup of your savedata before making any changes to the system. (在对系统进行任何更改之前,请确保备份存档。)
- The savedata is encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access. (存档已加密,以防止未经授权的访问。)