authorial [ɔːˈθɔːriəl]:关于作者的名词
1. 创作(或著作)权 [ˈɔːθərʃɪp]:创作某一作品的权利 2. 作者身份 [ˈɔːθərʃɪp]:作为作者的身份或地位 3. 作者或著作的身份 [ˈɔːθərʃɪp]:某一作品的作者或著作身份词语辨析
authorship 和 author 的区别:authorship 更侧重于指代创作或著作的权利或身份,而 author 则更侧重于指代具体的人或个体。词汇扩充
其他相关词汇: - co-authorship:合著权(n.) - multiple authorship:多作者(n.)近义词
- authorship:著作权、作者身份、作者或著作的身份 - authoring:创作、编写反义词
- reader:读者柯林斯词典
名词 1. 创作(或著作)权 2. 作者身份 3. 作者或著作的身份牛津词典
名词 1. 创作(或著作)权 2. 作者身份 3. 作者或著作的身份用法
- The authorship of the article is still being debated. (这篇文章的作者身份仍然有争议。) - The authorship of the play remains a mystery. (这个剧本的作者身份仍然是个谜。) - He claimed authorship of the poem. (他声称这首诗的创作权归他所有。)例句
- The authorship of the novel is attributed to John Smith. (这部小说的作者是约翰·史密斯。)
- The authorship of the famous painting is still disputed. (这幅著名画作的作者身份仍然存在争议。)
- She has been accused of plagiarism and her authorship is being questioned. (她被指控剽窃,她的创作权正受到质疑。)
- The book's authorship is shared between two prominent scholars. (这本书的作者身份由两位知名学者共同担任。)
- His authorship of the research paper was acknowledged by the scientific community. (科学界承认他对这篇研究论文的创作权。)
- The authorship of the ancient manuscript has yet to be determined. (这份古代手稿的作者身份尚未确定。)
- She has always dreamt of establishing her authorship in the literary world. (她一直梦想在文学界建立自己的作者身份。)
- The authorship of the famous quote is often mistakenly attributed to Shakespeare. (这句名言的作者身份常常被错误地归属于莎士比亚。)
- He has been researching the authorship of the ancient text for years. (多年来,他一直在研究这份古老文本的作者身份。)
- The authorship of the song was disputed by two songwriters. (这首歌的创作权被两位词曲创作人争议。)
- The authorship of the scientific discovery was shared by a team of researchers. (这个科学发现的创作权由一个研究小组共同拥有。)
- She was thrilled when her authorship was recognized by a renowned literary magazine. (当一家著名文学杂志承认她的作者身份时,她感到非常兴奋。)
- The authorship of the book was revealed in a surprising twist at the end. (这本书的作者身份在结尾时以令人惊讶的转折揭示出来。)
- The authorship of the article was confirmed by multiple sources. (这篇文章的作者身份得到了多个来源的确认。)
- He is known for his authorship of several best-selling novels. (他以创作多部畅销小说而闻名。)
- The authorship of the painting was determined through extensive research and analysis. (通过广泛的研究和分析,确定了这幅画的作者身份。)
- She was proud of her authorship of the award-winning screenplay. (她为自己创作获奖剧本的身份感到自豪。)
- His authorship of the poem was acknowledged by the prestigious literary society. (他的这首诗的创作权被著名文学社团承认。)
- They are investigating the authorship of the anonymous letter. (他们正在调查这封匿名信的作者身份。)
- The authorship of the ancient artifact is still a subject of debate among archaeologists. (这个古老文物的作者身份仍然是考古学家们争论的话题。)