1. deposed ['dɪˈpoʊzd] (被)废黜的,被免职的
1. deposition [ˌdɛpəˈzɪʃən] 废黜,免职
1. depose与dismiss的区别:
- depose指通过法律手段废黜,通常指政治领导人或君主被迫离职;
- dismiss指解雇或撤职,通常指普通员工或官员被解雇或撤职。
1. depose sb. from office (将某人)免职,废黜某人
1. oust [aʊst] 驱逐,罢免
2. dethrone [diˈθroʊn] 废黜,垫底
3. remove [rɪˈmuv] 移除,撤职
1. appoint [əˈpɔɪnt] 任命,委派
depose [dɪˈpəʊz]
1. 废黜;罢免
- If someone is deposed, they are forced to give up their position as the leader of a country.
- The president was deposed in a coup.
2. 证词;作证
- If someone deposes to something, they make a formal statement which is intended to be used as evidence in a court of law.
- He deposed that he had been in his bedroom all night.
3. 宣誓作证
- If someone deposes to something, they make a formal statement which is intended to be used as evidence in a court of law.
- He deposed on oath that he had always acted honestly.
depose [dɪˈpoʊz]
1. 废黜;罢免
- Remove from office suddenly and forcefully.
- The president was deposed in a military coup.
2. 证词;作证
- Give evidence or testimony.
- He deposed before the judge.
3. 宣誓作证
- Make a statement on oath; testify.
- He deposed to the truth of the statement.
- depose可用作及物动词或不及物动词。
1. depose sb.
- The board of directors deposed the CEO.
- 董事会解职了首席执行官。
1. depose (from office)
- The king was deposed and went into exile.
- 国王被废黜并流亡国外。
1. The dictator was deposed after a popular uprising.
- 这个独裁者在一次大规模起义后被废黜。
2. The Prime Minister was deposed following a vote of no confidence.
- 这位首相在一次不信任投票后被免职。
3. The witness was deposed in a closed-door hearing.
- 这名证人在闭门听证会上作证。
4. The deposed leader claims he was removed unlawfully.
- 这位被废黜的领导人声称他是非法被撤职的。
5. The court will depose the defendant's wife as a witness.
- 法庭将作证人传唤被告的妻子。
6. The former president was deposed by a military coup.
- 前总统在军事政变中被废黜。
7. The committee decided to depose the chairman due to corruption allegations.
- 委员会决定由于腐败指控而免去主席职务。
8. She deposed under oath that she had witnessed the crime.
- 她宣誓作证她目击了这起犯罪行为。
9. The deposed king sought refuge in a neighboring country.
- 被废黜的国王在邻国寻求庇护。
10. The prime minister was deposed from office after a vote of no confidence.
- 该首相在不信任投票后被废黜。
11. The witness was deposed before the grand jury.
- 证人在大陪审团面前作证。
12. The deposed leader made a public statement denouncing the coup.
- 被废黜的领导人发表了一份谴责政变的公开声明。
13. The court allowed the defense to depose the key witness.
- 法庭允许辩方传唤关键证人作证。
14. The deposition of the CEO led to a major shakeup in the company.
- 首席执行官的废黜导致了公司的重大变革。
15. The committee deposed several witnesses to gather evidence.
- 委员会传唤了几位证人收集证据。
16. The deposed ruler went into hiding to avoid capture.
- 被废黜的统治者隐藏起来以避免被捕。
17. The deposition of the president was met with both celebration and protest.
- 总统被废黜既引发了庆祝,也引发了抗议。
18. The deposed leader's loyal followers organized a rebellion.
- 被废黜的领导人的忠实追随者组织了一次起义。
19. The deposed queen lived out her remaining years in exile.
- 被废黜的女王在流亡中度过了余生。
20. The court allowed the defense to depose the plaintiff's expert witness.
- 法庭允许辩方传唤原告的专家证人作证。